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The Loving Push

The Loving Push 2

Book Type
  1. Paperback
  2. Digital
  3. Audible
Temple Grandin and Debra Moore
Parents, teachers, therapists, and anyone who cares about a child or teen on the autism spectrum needs this essential roadmap to prepare our youth for being successful adults in today’s world. Best-selling author, autism advocate, and animal science professor Dr. Temple Grandin joins psychologist and autism specialist Dr. Debra Moore in spelling out what steps you can take to restore your child’s hope and motivation, and what you must avoid.

Eight real stories, plus chapters about how to get your kids off the computer and back to caring about their lives and building their strengths, and on the path to a successful, meaningful life.

Temple Grandin, PhD, is a professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University who also lectures widely on her experiences with autism.

Debra Moore, PhD, is a psychologist with over three decades of experience working with autistic individuals and their families.

2015 (1e) / 2022 (2e)
Future Horizons
208pp (1e) / 288pp (2e)
First release
Last update


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