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Understanding and Managing Autism in Children

Understanding and Managing Autism in Children 2022-05-21

Book Type
  1. Paperback
Olivia Harris
If your child is on the autistic spectrum, you might be struggling with a lot of confusing and conflicting emotions. The best way to help yourself and your little one is to learn, learn, learn, and in this book, we are going to look at many aspects of autism.

We will unpick the challenges that it presents, and walk through some top techniques for handling these challenges. We will talk about the different kinds of therapy that your child might benefit from, and what you as a parent can do to help them.

The book will cover some top communication methods, the best ways to help your child make friends, and methods that will help both you and your child calm down when situations are proving challenging. We’ll also look at routines and how you can use them, as well as the dangers that they pose if over-used.

With this and help from specialists, you will find that autism does not have to be as debilitating as it may seem. A diagnosis represents a challenge in your child’s life, but they remain a beautiful and vibrant individual, and you just need the keys to ensure they can succeed.

Preview of the Understanding And Managing Autism In Children book:

  • An overview of the autistic spectrum and what impact it has on children
  • The challenges that you may face as the parent of an autistic child
  • How autism is generally diagnosed and what to expect during a diagnosis
  • The relationship between autism and ADHD
  • Techniques that will help you and others support your child effectively
  • The power and danger of routines, and how to handle changes to your routine
  • Speech therapy and practical therapy
  • Teaching your child skills for everyday life
  • How to help your child with friendships and socialising
  • Breathing techniques and suggestions for handling intense emotions
  • A whole lot more!
Help yourself and your child understand autism and what it means for you as a family. Get to grips with the struggles they will face, and empower yourself to help them by picking up a copy of this book today.
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