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Unforgiving: The Memoir of an Asperger Teen

Unforgiving: The Memoir of an Asperger Teen 2022-01-03

Book Type
  1. Paperback
  2. Digital
Margaret Jean Adam
1963 is Margaret Jean’s sixteenth summer. The weather is hot and her entire focus is on getting to a film audition. So different from the summer she was twelve when her one focus was avoiding a sexual predator; a “friend” of the family who moved freely in and out of her home, who often sat across the dinner table, lived on her property and drank with her father. She’s older now, and all of that is behind her. Or is it?

In Unforgiving, Margaret Adam weaves the memoir of an Asperger teen growing up in an era when the socially challenged condition is unheard of, sexual abuse is never mentioned, and a woman’s best career choice is marriage. A revealing exploration of the isolation of a girl on the brink of womanhood, Unforgiving exposes Margaret Jean’s fears, relives her blunders and celebrates her surprising achievements. How she responds to these events will change her life forever.

Margaret Adam, a Canadian author writing under her maiden name, wrote this book to give a voice to women who have kept silent since childhood, unable to discuss their fears and frustrations, or celebrate their personal triumphs. Her goal is to inspire outrage and hope.

She is a member of the BC Autism Society, The Writers' Union of Canada, and the BC Federation of Writers.

Jervis Distributors (self published)
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