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Very Late Diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome: How Seeking a Diagnosis in Adulthood Can Change Your Life

Very Late Diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome: How Seeking a Diagnosis in Adulthood Can Change Your Life 2014-10-15

Book Type
  1. Paperback
  2. Digital
Philip Wylie
As awareness and understanding of Aspergers Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder increases, more adults are identifying themselves as being on the spectrum and seeking formal diagnosis. This book discusses the process, the pros and cons, and the after-effects of receiving an autism diagnosis in adulthood. Outlining the likely stages of the journey to diagnosis, this book looks at what the individual may go through as they become aware of their Asperger characteristics and as they seek pre-assessment and diagnosis, as well as common reactions upon receiving a diagnosis - from depression and anger to relief and self-acceptance. Combining practical guidance with advice from personal experience, the book discusses if and when to disclose to family, friends and employers, how to seek appropriate support services, and how to use the self-knowledge gained through diagnosis to live well in the future.

About the Author
Philip Wylie sought a diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome at the age of 52 after reading an article about autism in an accountancy magazine and having a 'Eureka' moment! He previously worked as Finance Director and Company Secretary of a British offshore bank, before relocating to Thailand where he began personal study of psychology and complementary healing practices on his path to self-realisation. Since receiving his diagnosis he has researched autism extensively and undertaken a survey into late diagnosis with Autonomy Autism Services and writing projects for the NAS, UK.
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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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To be honest, when I got this book, I was expecting a memoir. But while Philip does talk a bit about his own journey, the book is actually more of a compilation of stories about getting an adult diagnosis, one of the more important ones, in my opinion, being the importance of having a support network. We know all too well that services for adults on the spectrum are limited, and so the book is a good tool for anyone who just got or is thinking about getting an adult diagnosis to review so they can be better prepared.
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