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Women From Another Planet?: Our Lives in the Universe of Autism

Women From Another Planet?: Our Lives in the Universe of Autism 2014-02-10

Book Type
  1. Paperback
Jean Kearns Miller
Mention the word autism and the room suddenly turns silent. It's the dreaded A word. People's attention turns to late night TV public service ads declaring that autistic children are"imprisoned" by autism and need curing at all cost. Recent autobiographies have helped dispel this dire description by suggesting that autism is not a prison and that the door is unlocked and you're free to come in. Women from Another Planet? moves beyond these autistic life stories in important ways. It's a collection of stories and conversations, all of them by women on the autism spectrum who speak candidly, insightfully, and often engagingly about both their gender in terms of their autism and their autism in terms of their gender. It is written not just for parents and professionals,like the other works, but also to those women still searching for ways to understand the unnamed difference they live with, as well as the wider audience of discerning readers. If you enter the unlocked door of these Women from Another Planet? you may end up with a question mark or two about your planet. Is normalcy really all it's cracked up to be?
First release
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4.33 star(s) 3 ratings

Latest reviews

Recently diagnosed at age 66, I am halfway through this book and recognizing myself in almost every article. The validation and sense of empowerment after 66 years of being insufficient and defective has been life-changing. Highly recommend
Loved this. Especially the diversity of experiences. Have found it very useful getting family and service providers to understand the complexities of female autism!
It's great to read
mind liked women. I recognized myself in some of the stories. It helped me accept myself better. The mentioning of "personas" and the parallel fantasy world, struck a cord. Also when one of them talked about her relationship with nature and simplicity. When I read those lines, I started crying. It was like reading myself.
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