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Wrong Planet

Wrong Planet 1

Wrong Planet (sometimes referred to by its URL, wrongplanet.net) is an online community for individuals with autism and Asperger syndrome. The site was started in 2004 by Dan Grover and Alex Plank and includes a chatroom, a large forum, a dating section, and articles describing how to deal with daily issues. The footer of the website states that the autism organization is run by Alex Plank. The site states (as of May 2014) that it has gained more than 80,000 registered members since its creation.
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1.50 star(s) 2 ratings

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Not worth wasting your time here. Playing E.T. on the Atari 2600 is probably a better experience than using this site. Too much elitism. Nightmare for posters who post any opinions coming from the right, no matter how far right those opinions are. Mods encourage this and ban users who are actually victims of bullying. It's also owned and ran by Autism Speaks, so this isn't at all suprising. 0/10, would delete the site from the internet if I could.
Tolerance of continual baiting, bullying and trolling has corrupted Wrong Planet and made it an unsafe place. The members who do this are the most frequent posters.
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