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  1. Heroine of Winds

    Last person to post wins.

  2. Heroine of Winds

    The last thing you bought?

    Bought some more stuff at Food City and Walmart today.
  3. Heroine of Winds

    Last person to post wins.

  4. Heroine of Winds

    What song are you listening to right now?

    Anybody else remember this from the early (and better) YouTube days?
  5. Heroine of Winds


    Welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here! :D
  6. Heroine of Winds


    Welcome to the forums! <3 Hope you like it here! <3
  7. Heroine of Winds

    The last thing you bought?

    Went down to Tennessee for the weekend. Came home today and I bought some new things from both Books-A-Million and Target.
  8. Heroine of Winds

    The last thing that made you laugh

    Some old YouTube Poops I decided to watch for old time's sake. To this day, they still make me laugh.
  9. Heroine of Winds

    The last thing you bought?

    Bought me a couple T-shirts, an iTunes card, and some games off Steam during the Summer sale. Also:
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