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  1. ImAnAspie

    Focusing A Life People Accepting Me As Is

    Once you dispense with the silly notion of being accepted, the sooner you'll be liberated! I never did try to "fit in". I've always danced to the beat of my own drum and hang what anyone else feels or thinks about me. The sooner you come to that conclusion, the happier you'll be!
  2. ImAnAspie

    Asperger's - Hard to Keep Friends

    People in my life are like tumble weeds. They blow into my life and out, and I barely notice their passing. I don't want friends. They complicate life. Humans in general are nasty and aggressive creatures and I've come to the conclusion that you're better off without them.
  3. ImAnAspie

    Anniversaries are dumb

    I think, being in a relationship is just straight up dumb. I think anniversaries are a way to compete with others, how long you can put up with another stupid human being!
  4. ImAnAspie

    Disappearing and reappearing Aspie 'special guy'. Please help!!!

    Whoa! My eyes are tired. Was there a question in there? My answer?!?! Get a cat!
  5. ImAnAspie

    Favorite metal/Alloy

    My favourite metal has always been steel, ever since I can remember. Cold, hard, strong, heavy, SHINY polished steel! Pinballs and nuts and bolts have always been my favourites! STRONG!
  6. ImAnAspie

    Something bugging me... I hope others get this?

    Well, first of all, you're under no obligation to tell them anything. It's none of their business. BUT... If you do want to tell them, why don't you just say 'I've got an ASD!" and see if they want to delve into it - and go from there!
  7. ImAnAspie

    Advice on starting a Conversation first hand

    'Advice on starting a Conversation...'? DON'T!!!
  8. ImAnAspie

    What to except when being diagnosed with Autism

    Well, you either are on The Spectrum or you're not. Go and get tested. You don't need to know what to expect. Just be yourself and if you truely are on The Spectrum, it'll come out. If you're not, that'll come out too but knowing what the tests are beforehand and knowing what to expect could...
  9. ImAnAspie

    Can't seem to bother to text people anymore

    The only person who texts (or rings) me is my sister, and that's only to abuse me. I quite often put my phone in flight mode because I don't want to be contact by ANYONE. My phone is good for playing videos and music, and playing games like Hearts.
  10. ImAnAspie

    Life Skills, Relationship or Career?

    1) Life skills; 2) A decent career As for a healthy long term relationship, the next time a relationship looks like it's heading my way, I'm going to run so fast, you won't see me for the dust!
  11. ImAnAspie

    Do People Think You Are Blaming Them?

    Not that I'm always the most diplomatic Aspie but after many years of "putting my foot in my mouth" and suffering the (sometimes violent) consequences, I've learned a few things: - You could soften this one with, "I'm sorry. I'm having a bit of trouble hearing you." - The 'should' turns it...
  12. ImAnAspie

    Increased Pain Tolerance? I hurt SO much.

    I'm allergic to pain! Can't stand it!
  13. ImAnAspie

    Did your parents try to take away your special interests?

    No. My Special Interest was (and still is) Astronomy and my Mum used to support my interest by buying books and magazines about Astronomy. And even though we never had much money, when I was around 10 years old, she even bought me a 4½" reflector telescope. I'm 50 now and still have it.
  14. ImAnAspie

    Are there distinct stages people go through after diagnosis?

    I was first diagnosed in 2007. Although I'd heard of Asperger's Syndrome, I had no idea what it was or tht it was part of the Autism spectrum. I was sent to a psychiatrist by work for depression and he picked it up. After I went home and did a bit of research on it and discovered it was a form...
  15. ImAnAspie

    I can't feel love for people!

    I am that way as well. I just don't seem to be interested in having friends or a relationship. I'm 50 and have always been the same. People come ang go into and out of my life. If they're in it, I don't mind but when they leave my life, I usually don't notice for a long time. As far as love is...
  16. ImAnAspie

    Social Anxiety

    I was attending aftercare after spending some time in hospital for depression. The others in the group (I thought) I knew reasonably well and got along with since basically living with them for several months. That was until I found out that many of them were visiting each other out of group...
  17. ImAnAspie

    Reactions from NT partners

    I was in a de facto relationship for 23 years and it wasn't long after I was diagnosed with having Asperger's that my partner left me.
  18. ImAnAspie

    Does anybody else absolutely hate the term "aspie(s)"

    I'm proud to be an Aspie. It took me many years to accept my diagnosis and Aspie is an affectionate term for someone with Asperger's Syndrome. That's me. There's nothing wrong with the name. I'd rather be called an Aspie than an Autistic!
  19. ImAnAspie

    Have you ever been discouraged or critisized for your hobby or interest?

    I know it's been a while since this last post Adora but I've come to accept the fact that, not only do people not want to hear about my Special Interest (Myna Birds) but they actually want them dead. They see them as a pests. I've now taken on more of an evangelic stance on the issue of Myna...
  20. ImAnAspie

    What was your diagnosis?

    I was first diagnosed by a psychiatrist back in 2007 whom I was seeing for depression. When he diagnosed me, I didn't even know what Aspergers was. After a bit of research, I just wrote him off as an idiot until many years later, a completely unrelated psychiatrist whom I was also seeing for...
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