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  1. Tyrantus1212

    I'm OK, but I feel like I've been exhibiting too much negativity towards myself on here and I...

    I'm OK, but I feel like I've been exhibiting too much negativity towards myself on here and I want to learn to manage it first. I'll be back
  2. Tyrantus1212

    I think Fun hates me.

    I too spend most of my life on family get-togethers (just me and my parents, whom I live with) and hobbies. We take a trip once a year. If I had to postpone a trip, I'd flip - even if it's for a similar reason. I actually had to do it once, for a week - and it drove me totally insane (I was...
  3. Tyrantus1212

    I apologize for any diminished activity on here, it's been a very busy week.

    I apologize for any diminished activity on here, it's been a very busy week.
  4. Tyrantus1212


    Hello Saturn, and you can stop looking now because you found it. I went through the exact same things - never belonging anywhere, trying to fit in and never achieving any result, everything to no avail. Years of solitude with very few friends in the in-between moments. This community is very...
  5. Tyrantus1212

    Hello. I'm Samantha.

    If you'd like to make friends, you have come to the right place. Welcome to AC, to the both of you - and honesty is one of the pillars of a successful life. So is patience! So many people have neither of these qualities, and that really sucks. I don't like to lie and I don't like it when people...
  6. Tyrantus1212

    Is my friend mad at me?

    I always wonder if people are mad at me whenever they send me very brief responses, or no responses at all. I end up asking them over and over again, and it ends up getting on their nerves (and thus, paradoxically, increases their chances of actually being mad at me). You didn't say anything...
  7. Tyrantus1212

    Hello you all!

    I've experienced the exact same in college. People started hating me, shying away from me...I've tried way too hard to make friends but ended up becoming a pariah instead. Felt so bad and I started actually hating myself (it used to be just low self-esteem). I wanted to be cool and popular but...
  8. Tyrantus1212

    Hello everyone! Glad to be here!

    I regret not joining sooner, years sooner. Will regret it for the rest of my life. I should not have been sweeping my struggles under the rug, hoping that they'll magically go away one fine glorious day (seems like in almost every response I make, I make this type of statement).
  9. Tyrantus1212

    Hello everyone! Glad to be here!

    'Lo Marcus and welcome to AC! You will meet TONS of cool people out here, no doubt. I know I have. I always considered myself a boring person and so have others; due to my low self-esteem (a totally different topic) I try too hard to be interesting but always fall flat as a result. Same goes...
  10. Tyrantus1212

    New, Depressed

    Hello Blue! Don't be blue. Hey, you'll always make friends here - I know I did. Thanks for joining! I don't relate to people either, in real life that is. Makes me feel like an alien that has fallen from the moon (like in the Mr. Bean opening). In fact I AM like Mr. Bean in some aspects; fellow...
  11. Tyrantus1212

    Work & clothing

    For the business I work at, the boss said business casual - so I'm going with business casual. It really annoys me when my coworkers wear jeans, sneakers and cowboy boots yet still do better than me.
  12. Tyrantus1212

    Been playing way too much of that new 'Stone expansion. I'm so behind now.

    Been playing way too much of that new 'Stone expansion. I'm so behind now.
  13. Tyrantus1212

    As an Aspie/Autie do you know who you are?

    I pretty much never felt a true self-image, never felt like I fit in anywhere. It resulted in me trying to "adapt" only making matters worse for me and everyone else, making me feel lonelier and more pathetic than ever before. So much of the time I don't even know who or what I am, and why I...
  14. Tyrantus1212

    In the Star Wars prequels, was Anakin Skywalker Aspie

    That cute little kid from Phantom Menace, having such a dark future ahead of him... If I were in the Star Wars universe I would probably turn into a Dark Jedi against my will much like Anakin. I'd be like Anakin in terms of how emotional I am, first of all. As for the swings he experiences about...
  15. Tyrantus1212


  16. Tyrantus1212


    'Lo Zack and welcome to the best forum on the planet! You'll love it here, and all the members are super-nice. I played around with clay a little bit, but my obsessions were streetlights and sprinklers. I used to observe them in detail, wait until they turn on, and even listen to the sounds they...
  17. Tyrantus1212

    When does accommodating AS become being a doormat?

    I have plenty of trouble connecting with NT's and trusting lots of NT's (the second one is for the reason @Chance mentioned). I have very poor social and communication skills and it results in lots of miscommunications on my end, as well as me saying or doing something that makes the other...
  18. Tyrantus1212

    When does accommodating AS become being a doormat?

    That's the right attitude Chance - and don't ever give them another chance (pun intended). They're not people. They don't act like people, so why should these filthy dregs of society even be called people? Shutting it down is the right way to do. Just leave them be for good, do not acknowledge...
  19. Tyrantus1212

    Hello. My name is Ilona.

    Hey Ilona, and welcome to AC! Like Keigan said, so many awesome people on here - I love it! I'm sorry your friend is struggling; I have anxieties too - general and OCD. Lots of them. And it's not the only thing I struggle with (meltdowns, emotional outbursts, social and communication issues...
  20. Tyrantus1212

    what do you think about setting up a skype meet-up?

    I like the sound of these ideas, and there are some members here that I already text with outside of AC. I actually don't have a Skype but I do use some messaging tools like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.
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