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  1. D

    Video games are a legitimate hobby, DAMN IT!

    Recovering alcoholic here. Video games help keep me sober and give me something to do to focus on when the cravings really hit. Always was a gamer but now more than ever I really cherish my time I can relax and just game. Preferably alone and not a 1st person shooter. Give me 3rd person survival...
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    Coffee poll, 2024 version.

    Usually a nice black coffee, dark roast. Though occasionally I treat myself to an Americano, black, at a small cafe near me. I refuse to go to a Starbucks, ever.
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    Sanctimonious @Cryptid I was raised by an English teacher and thought I had a good vocabulary but "libidinous" is a new one for me. Thank you.
  5. D

    Most humans are garbage.

    Wasn't that the entire point of the movie Idiocracy? A movie made as a comedy that now watches like a documentary. And while anecdotal evidence is no substitute for hard data, at least in my area the stupid people are producing exponentially faster than the smart folks.
  6. D

    Most humans are garbage.

    That combo get's me through most evenings. Though if I did a digital detox I've got the vinyl to get me through it.
  7. D

    Does free will exist?

    That's a pretty terrible thing to say all around. Most folks suffering with addiction do need help if they are to have any long term success, and none deserve execution.
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    Does free will exist?

    I would disagree. I think you absolutely can create the corkscrew. Ultimately, there is no definitive answer which is why the structure vs agency debate will never be over.
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    Does free will exist?

    Structure vs agency. I view it as corkscrew. We exist in a society that works to perpetuate itself and in that regard there is no free will, however society does change when someone purposefully decides to alter it, or when mistakes happen in the perpetuation, so some free will. Those changes...
  10. D

    Hopelessness is root of addiction

    Just responding to the title of the post as someone in recovery, alcohol, 8 months sober. I don't know if I'd consider hopelessness to be the root of addiction but certainly an anchor. Numbing that feeling especially towards the end of active addiction is a brutal place to live for any length of...
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    Late self diagnosis. Recovering alcoholic.

    Thanks. I only run when I'm scared. jk. I really enjoy going for walks and even when I'm at work I have access to trails within about a 5 minute walk. Interestingly enough even before thinking about the autism I already had an accommodation at work where if I'm starting to feel stressed I can go...
  12. D

    Late self diagnosis. Recovering alcoholic.

    Check, check, check, check, all of the above. But now the more I research, read, watch videos from others with autism talking about the different aspects I just keep seeing more and more of myself and my life explained in terms of how I've always reacted to the world. And what I can do to...
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    Late self diagnosis. Recovering alcoholic.

    Thank you very much. After the psychologist there suggested I may be autistic I started reading up. In particular a book by Matthew Tinsley " Asperger Syndrome and Alcohol: Drinking to Cope? " which is half research and half anecdote from his own experiences and it felt like I was reading a book...
  14. D

    What song are you listening to right now?

    Dignity by The Big Push. Incredible song for me right now.
  15. D

    Late self diagnosis. Recovering alcoholic.

    Hi everyone, I'm new to autism and still at the self-diagnosed stage but all signs strongly indicate that I'm on the spectrum, low needs and high masking. I'm in my early 40's and the idea was only just brought up when I was in rehab for alcoholism. Working with the psychologist there we...
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