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  1. Curtis Azevedo

    Good grief....I don't come here enough!

    Good grief....I don't come here enough!
  2. Curtis Azevedo

    Been away for a while, but now I'm interested in coming back!

    Been away for a while, but now I'm interested in coming back!
  3. Curtis Azevedo

    Anyone obsessed with music?

    I most definitely am obsessed with music, as if my profile picture and college career choices don't give it away enough. I recently made an amazing discovery in Classical Music a couple weeks ago. There was an Icelandic composer (arguably the country's most famous) named Jòn Leifs. He was...
  4. Curtis Azevedo

    My first year at San Jose State has come to a successful close! I've learned a lot about living...

    My first year at San Jose State has come to a successful close! I've learned a lot about living on my own these past two semesters.
  5. Curtis Azevedo

    About Me.

    Turk, that school was an amazing experience for me. It really made me self-aware, and self-sustaining.
  6. Curtis Azevedo

    About Me.

    Salmongirl, I first started playing the trombone in 5th grade. I didn't really get hyped into music until 8th grade, when my private lessons started getting serious, and I was introduced to Moussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition and Night on Bald Mountain. It was just an upward spiral from...
  7. Curtis Azevedo

    Any Prog-Rock/Post-Rock fans here?

    Yeah, I gave those songs a listen. The ones I really liked we're Pink Floyd and Jethro Tull. The rest were okay for me. I've had a problem with Yes ever since I saw them live a couple years back. They played all their long, progressive songs, there was a jerk behind us in the concert, and...
  8. Curtis Azevedo

    Any Prog-Rock/Post-Rock fans here?

    Pink Floyd is my JAM! I'm also a Dream Theater and (surprisingly) Dimmu Borgir enthusiast. I'm classically trained in music, and I can listen all day. If you haven't already, you must look at an Estonian composer named Arvo Pärt. His music is very simplistic, but so beautiful and deep, it...
  9. Curtis Azevedo

    Anyone obsessed with music?

    Heck yes, I'm obsessed! I'm getting my bloody degree in music! I'm a classically-trained trombonist and percussionist. Trombone is my main instrument, despite what my profile picture shows. I'd like to think that I'm rather eclectic, but I just can't stand pop, hip-hop, rap, etc. I just...
  10. Curtis Azevedo

    About Me.

    Thank you for welcoming me! Yes, I do feel quite fortunate to have such supportive parents. You should look up Orion Academy and Dr. Kathryn Stewart. Dr. Stewart founded the school, and they use dogs as a metaphor for non-verbal communication. That school really turned me into the...
  11. Curtis Azevedo

    Greatest Horror (scary) Movies

    I'm quite the film/music aficionado. I tend to judge movies on three things: Actors, Cinematography, and Music. Not necessarily in that order, though. The horror films that I think ace all those categories are: Insidious 1 & 2 Alien Eraserhead Altered States The Shining Jaws Any...
  12. Curtis Azevedo

    Do you do the Aspie Stare?

    Luckily, I was told that 'normal' eye contact isn't constant. I'm able to take pressure off myself by looking away every now and then.
  13. Curtis Azevedo

    About Me.

    Hello, all. My name is Curtis, and I have Asperger's Syndrome. Gosh, doesn't that sound like an Alcoholic's Anonymous meeting introduction? I was turned onto this site by my parents who thought it might interest me. Seeing as I went to a high school centered around Aspies and kids with NLD, I...
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