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  1. J

    Asperger + ADHD from Berlin

    Hi, dear community. I hope you enjoy a nice Easter vacation and celebration. I found out about my ADHD when I was 36 and about Asperger's at 39. I'm now 46, half Greek and Austrian, and live in Berlin. Just researched and calculated that this combination is very rare and only occurs in apx...
  2. Passepartout

    Different skills/abilities at different times, or none at all.

    It seems I have this pattern where I have access to different skills and abilities at different times, or none at all (as in regression). it's like their there and then they are gone. Wondering if this is related to Autistic Inertia, Burnout or ADHD. Where Inertia being a difficulty to get...
  3. rickinboca


    I'm Richard but my father's "greatest generation" friends always wanted to call me Dick, as in "Dick Nixon," so now I use it as an online moniker. My superpower is my ability focus on a single task and to complete it on-time, on-budget, and with a high degree of accuracy. When I was already...
  4. M

    How to help my mom with results of my diagnosis?

    Hey guys! I'm 21 years old girl and got diagnosed with autism in November. I was getting ready for diagnosis for almost 6 months until I decided to finally risk. As therapist said, I don't fit in all traits and I seem to be neurotypical, yet she also said that I'm in the spectrum, but because of...
  5. C

    Sustaining passion for a Writing Project with Autism and Suspected ADHD?

    Even this forum post feels exhausting to start writing and is giving me a slight headache, which I guess is one sign of where I’m at. I don’t have an official ADHD Diagnosis. However, I do have Autism, and am on an NHS Waiting List for an ADHD Assessment. I have lots of passions in my life, but...
  6. slw0363

    Hi I'm Shelby and I'm an addict.

    Howdy from the great state of Oklahoma yall. My name is Shelby and I'm an autistic addict. I started a blog with the hopes to make friends. It would mean the world if you would read it and interact with me over on my blog. I'm assuming you can find that through my profile, but if you can't I can...
  7. OmoriKinnie

    What's the process of getting an ADHD diagnosis like?

    I have a question because I think I have ADHD as well as autism, but I haven't been diagnosed with the former yet. So for those who've been diagnosed with ADHD, what's the process like? Is it sexist like the autism diagnosis criteria? How would my parents react if I told them I wanted to take a...
  8. Hotwire

    Newbie to here

    Hi, I'm not sure how I got here. I have pro diagnosed classic autism and ADHD. I did reach a burnout phase after the death of my older brother and "regressed" a ton. I can't even mask effectively anymore and many of my old stims came back strong. He literally made the world bearable for me in...
  9. Prometheus

    ADHD and Hyper-systematizing

    Literally me. I'm also kinda sick at the moment, so everything seems extra hard. I have headache everyday. I think I might have ADHD. I might have had it all along, and never noticed. So anybody else, have the strong desire to know things, systemic knowledge, and do it all perfectly? I think...
  10. morax


    hello :) i use any name that starts with m, mostly "min" but i enjoy being called morax, meinki, or minerva as well. i do not use pronouns (im serious, not making fun of anyone), but they/them is ok if not using pronouns is difficult for you. i am 16, and i don't have an official asd diagnosis...
  11. h.hartzzx177


    Hello people of Autism Forums. I'd like to reintroduce myself quickly as I have been inactive since my first introduction. I do not announce my legal name online, but you may call me Blaise. I have both ADHD & ASD. My "special interest" is in most organisms of the Animalia kingdom. I'm an...
  12. D

    Hi, This is Me

    I am a retired mentally-active man of mid-60's age, as of January 2022. I have only in recent years fully understood and accepted that I have AS-Lite and iADHD By AS-Lite (my term) I mean Asperger's By iADHD (my term) I mean Inattentive ADHD. I have also called it ADhD. ADD seems a more...
  13. OnyxM

    Major work mess up

    I'm on the spectrum but I also have inattentive ADHD. Or ADD. I've been job hopping for years, I'm 28. Where I live we have many financial problems and the place is small which means that jobs are even harder to find during the winter season. I've been desperately looking for a job for months...
  14. U

    Introduction, an adult questioning their neurodiversity

    Hello everyone, I am 27 years old. Diagnosed with ADHD and disgraphia in first grade. Junior year of highschool my parents let me be in charge of my treatment for ADHD. I decided to stop treatment because I felt like if I didn't need it I would be normal like everyone else and I wouldn't be so...
  15. LadyS

    General Medication Questions

    This is more for anyone here or know someone else who takes medications for comorbidities like anxiety or ADHD, past and present. Still consider myself a rookie when it comes to these things, so just curious for how it has worked for different people. Has it worked for you or have any troubles...
  16. Kristin is Awkward

    Kristin is Awkward

    I’m autistic. I have anxiety issues and ADHD. I make art and music. I’m a mother. I’m recently single… and I’m trying to figure out what I want and what I need for the first time in my life. Really, I’m just looking for someone who understands me… but who isn’t?
  17. OnyxM

    Work on retail they said..you'll develop skills they said..

    YAYAYYYY social infested jobs, people focussed fast paced work environments!!!!!! Best medicine for all of us folks with autism or autism+ADD or both or even with those with social anxiety..go to them they said, work there and you'll acquire skills and learn to manage your anxiety and your fears...
  18. OnyxM

    The social media 'attention' on autism

    So I'm navigating a well known pictures and albums/pins platform trying to find posts regarding autism and autistic people and I'm suddenly swarmed by hundreds of posts, most of which are about either 1) autistic kids or 2) the PARENTS of autistic kids. I get it..parents of autistic kids are...
  19. OnyxM

    Is the 'bubble' finally bursting?

    I'm not diagnosed yet but I suspect I have either ASD or ADD or both. I relate to both in many ways. Anyway. Nobody knows or suspects anything although many people around me think I'm weird/naive/cloudheaded, etc..but nobody knows why. I grew up as a good and 'smart' child. Everyone around...
  20. O

    Possible treatment for ASD and ADHD.

    Hi people, I'm also an Aspie and have discovered a simple trick which calms me down 24/7 and allows my mind to have a single focus, rather than the conflicting, stressful state I was born with. I've not discussed this trick before, and continue to experiment. The trick is to simply block one...
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