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asd 1

  1. A

    Hello from Michigan!

    Hello, my name is Jeremy and I am from Michigan. I am 32 years old and am twice diagnosed with autism and ADHD. I also have major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. I am glad to have found you all and to be here. The clinicians who have diagnosed me have said that I am level 1...
  2. h.hartzzx177

    Hello! I am new to this platform.

    My name is Blaise and I am new to autism forums. I have diagnosed adhd and I'm awaiting diagnosis for asd. I like rocks, pinecones, psychology, and art. I hope everyone is doing well
  3. G

    What forms of Autism were re-defined as ASD-1?

    The more I think about it, the more I realize that the re-definition itself, of Aspergers and other forms of Autism as “ASD-1,” is actually worse, than the confusion it causes. Even if one is opposed to Autism Acceptance, this re-definition is wrong because by viewing us purely from what’s wrong...
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