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  1. MaddieZabczuk

    Writing about Asperger, BPD and other mental issues

    Hey, how are you? I'm Maddie Zabczuk. It's nice to meet you. I have BPD and I love to write. One of my best friends, whom I love to death, is an Aspie, so I thought, why not try to write a story about someone like my friend? He deserves love and understanding as we all do. So because I want to...
  2. A

    Can aspergers and BPD coexist?

    I'm 20, diagnosed with aspergers. This may sound like a crap story but I need to get it out and don't have anyone to tell. I have always shown signs of bpd, but I'm not too sure if it can coexist with autism. I have extreme issues with being overly attached to significant others, and I also have...
  3. N

    Curcumin: New Use for an Old Spice? 2017-01-10

    This is a study of the effectiveness of curcumin as an anti-inflamatory properties relating to the possibility of easing mood disorders using a spice commonly found in curry.
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