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  1. Captain Mars

    She Makes A Fine Addition To My Collection

    I don't often get all that much for Christmas. Money's always an issue. My sister goes above and beyond each year to do something nice for most of us, and usually hosts it a week early at her place with her fiance. After I'd had my confrontation with my mother and we began trying to rebuild our...
  2. Leago

    Hey folks (:

    Hey! I go by Leago. I’m a teenager and got diagnosed with autism a while ago. I’m excited to be here and discuss things with you fellow Aspies! One of the beliefs I hold about my diagnosis is that it is not a disability. Controversial, I know, but I don’t want to keep being told that I am less...
  3. Jena

    Does anyone else do this with their special interest too?

    Hey y'all so was curious if anyone else does this, where they literally have a difficult time buying stuff UNLESS it's related to special interest. Like with me, it is animals. Every single thing I buy has always and I mean always been around animals. I can't buy something if it's not animal...
  4. S

    Do you have a special interest you are passionate about? Your help is need in starting a magazine!

    As a sixteen -year old with Asperger’s syndrome I know all too well, how it feels to share extensive knowledge on your passion with someone, only to be met with blank expressions; bored by your knowledge regarding the history of mechanical keyboards, disengaged by your talk on your extensive...
  5. Questella

    What do you collect?

    Do you like to collect anything? I've always been obsessed with collecting things. When I was little little I had a collection of rocks and feathers I found out in the yard. When I was a little older I went crazy collecting Pokémon cards, I still have them all (1996-2007) tens of thousands...
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