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  1. C

    [ POLL ] Which Is More offensive to You?

    Please read both of these essays before responding to the poll. 1) Extolling Conformity and Obedience. Conformity and obedience serve as foundational pillars for maintaining social order and harmony within any society. By adhering to established norms and rules, individuals contribute to the...
  2. G

    Conformity does more harm than good to society

    We all have to conform to some degree in order to be socially accepted or otherwise we would be ostracized from society. For example a shameless man who wears a white tank top at a workplace is going to be socially rejected by coworkers and boss for completely disregarding social etiquette...
  3. WereBear

    A tale of two socks

    Here's the socks I am wearing today. I once had two of the socks on the left, and two of the socks on the right. The usual laundry woes happened, but no worries. I wear what is left as you see here. I usually wear long pants and sneakers and so only glimpses of them are seen, and no one...
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