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  1. P

    I like to write stories....

    My latest story ideas is called A Christmas Walk. Based on 100 Greatest Christmas Moments from Channel 4, it seems Vixen (from Robbie The Reindeer) and I go on a walk across a snow covered Friendship Estate to see how their friends prepare for Christmas. If you've seen 100 Greatest Christmas...
  2. Butterfly88

    Disney fights to keep autism lawsuits from going to trial

    Disney fights to keep autism lawsuits from going to trial Article text: "Walt Disney Co. is fighting to stop trials for 30 lawsuits in which people with autism contend the parks didn’t accommodate their disabilities because they had to wait in line for rides. Disney filed a petition this week...
  3. Mr Allen

    What are your thoughts on Disney's new Star Wars movies?

    Topic. So far I think they're OK, my only complaint is that Solo: A Star Wars story could've featured more of the back story of Han's debt to Jabba the Hutt, and they didn't really need to bring Darth Maul back either. I've been posting in a group on Facebook for a while commenting on Star...
  4. Coupe

    Scripting as a kid - kinda funny

    *Trigger Warning for (somewhat antiquated but still) ableist language* I'd almost completely forgotten about this until about a week ago when I remembered it out of the blue. When I was a little kid, I loved Disney Sing-Along videos, and one of my favorite songs on one of my VHS tapes was...
  5. Newt

    Animated Films - Embarassed to watch them...why?

    Hello, I'd just like to say I'm a new member here, but I don't expect to be a regular poster as I've learned to cope with my AS in recent years. However, there is one bizarre issue I have that I've never been able to understand. I think it would be worth noting that I am a MASSIVE film fanatic...
  6. SalanaEiyungAisis

    Which Character do you most identify with, and why?

    I just wanted to see if there was a character that rings with you a lot. Like, you feel what he or she is going through and you like him or her because he or she reminds me of you. Please, tell me what fictional (or cartoon) character do you identify with. As for me (at least, in the Winnie...
  7. SalanaEiyungAisis

    Hello, there, fellow Aspies.

    Hello, there, My name is SalanaEiyungAisis (a reference to a whale-movie I very enjoyed as a child). I am kinda nervous as this is the first time that I'm logging into a forum made especially for people like me. I have Aspergers, but I can function pretty well in society, safe from the fear of...
  8. AGXStarseed

    Disneystrology - Astrology with a bit of Disney Magic...

    According to the Disney Wiki, this is what Disneystrology is: "Disneystrology is a book that combines astrology, numerology, and the magic of Disney movies to help readers understand their own personalities." So, here's mine: March 4th = Wart (Young King Arthur) = Movie: The Sword in the Stone...
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