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  1. J


    Hello All, I'm designing a study to investigate the neural basis of overlapping and unique phenotypes in Asperger's (AS) and "gifted" adults. My understanding is that although enhanced executive functioning (memory, pattern recognition etc.) is common among groups, emotional dysregulation...
  2. R

    I'm Rahere

    The original founded one of the oldest hospitals in the world, St Bartholomew's. As a Royal Jester, he was perforce one of the earliest psychologists, and a modest man. For myself, I was caught up in the extension of IQ testing to kids in the 1960s, when what I was told about myself (next to...
  3. LiquidPvnk

    Does giftedness often co-occur with Aspergers?

    Hi, I’m just wondering if giftedness has any co-occurring relationship with Aspergers? I know a few gifted people with AS/HFA, so would there be any connection? I’m level 5 gifted (search if you don’t know), and have close to all Aspergers traits ( extremely likely Aspergers ) and thought that...
  4. LiquidPvnk

    Parents don't accept aspergers or any other condition

    My parents don't think that I have aspergers. Their reasons are: - Im 'just gifted' - All of my aspie traits are just 'gifted quirks' - A label will hinder you (I agree with this one) - Everyone struggles socially to an extent - My dad is likely an undiagnosed aspie who also has the traits. He...
  5. Lena_C

    Overexcitabilities and Finding Tribe

    (Not written by me) I got a computer science degree because I thought I hated people. I thought I liked logic, technology, and solvable problems. Yet, the more I look at things, the more I am sure that the best predictor of both resilience and health is social connections and belonging. We...
  6. Lena_C

    When Your Child’s Exceptionality is Emotional: Looking Beyond Psychiatric Diagnosis

    (Not written by me) When Your Child’s Exceptionality is Emotional: Looking Beyond Psychiatric Diagnosis by Barbara Probst When people think of a twice-exceptional child, they usually think of someone who’s gifted and learning-disabled. The “second exceptionality” is typically an educational...
  7. Lena_C

    Another Side of Giftedness

    (Not written by me) Usually this blog focuses on the academic side of giftedness. The main purpose of the Rochester SAGE group is to promote gifted education options in Rochester Community Schools. The somewhat hidden side of giftedness is the nonacademic side. The intensities. The...
  8. Lena_C

    Gifted Children and Adults--Neglected Areas of Practice by James T. Webb, PhD

    (Not written by me) Learning Objectives Be able to explain why efforts to re-define the concepts of intelligence and giftedness are important, and the methods used to identify these traits in children and adults Working with gifted and talented children and their families and with gifted...
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