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  1. Emery

    Adopting the interests/hobbies of significant other

    umm Hi!!! So first off I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this or I created a thread for the wrong thing or something. Social media is really not a strong point for me. But I'm choosing to see it as a work in progress lol. Please let me know (kindly) if I've messed this up. So...
  2. M

    Wool and Wood

    Hello! My hobbies are anything to do with wool - spinning, dying, knitting, crochet, waving and probably more in the future and wood - I am currently doing a furniture making course and am making a new spinning wheel. Does anyone else here share these mediums?
  3. Georgia Galaxy


    In general, What do you do when you're waiting for something and how long does it take you to do it? Me, I like to watch videos or read, but reading is sometimes better ^^ Both is good for knowledge, and sometimes I believe that I've learned all there is to know about a certain topic but I'm...
  4. Stimming and Social Media <3

    Stimming and Social Media <3

    I just did an adorable happy stim which I have been doing barely any of lately!! Man this 1st of March is feeling great so far <3 I love happy stimming? What are your happy/self-regulatory stims? Also, for some funny reason, I just got a huge boost of happiness and dopamine from looking on...
  5. A

    Writers Here?

    Recently, I've been getting back into writing a lot. I've enjoyed writing as a hobby since I was in 3rd grade. As someone who has trouble with expressing myself verbally, writing has always been my outlet to share my feelings and ideas. Are any of you writers, and if so, what do you like to...
  6. T

    Not my first time on one of these Forums, Hi hello

    Hi, there everybody. You can call me Tom, or Mid-Sneke. Or John, those are all acceptable. I'm 24 going on 25, never employed, I have had a DD waiver since I was 18. I was diagnosed when I was 5, and I've never been in a relationship. I live with my parents, and my hobbies are reading, listening...
  7. A

    Everybody's Photography Thread

    Does anyone else here enjoy photography? I am by no means a professional, but it´s something I enjoy. Here are some photographs I´ve shared: https://pixabay.com/users/akiroq-2665063/ I´ve shared them for anyone to be able to enjoy and use, even for commercial use. I´d love to see some of yours!
  8. SakuraRoseMilkTea

    Rainy Day Diary

    Hello! This blog is about my day to day life living as both a disabled person and as a NEET. I want to document the things I do, the music I listen to, the hobbies I practice and the outcomes of them, my thoughts on the world and random ramblings that come to mind.
  9. T

    What do you think of drones?

    Long ago, while Al Gore was inventing the internet, I was discovering remote control sail planes. Close to the boat sailing a job had taken me from. It was addictive! Now, in need of a serious hobby, I turned to a quad-copter drone. At the time, I didn’t know that many people dislike them...
  10. Jenisautistic

    post a picture about what makes you unique

    i am very playful and colorful and cheerful I like to do "kid stuff" like coloring and drawing i am a bit like Riley from inside out
  11. oike27


    My name is Ogechi and I was diagnosed with ASD pretty early after not being able to talk for five years. I love cooking, baking, writing fanfiction, reading, singing, coding, designing, fairy tales/folklore, and history. I've been questioning my sexuality for a few years now, and I would like...
  12. A

    My Life Oblivious of Autism intro

    I am biologically a female, but I identify as gender neutral. Because of that, it took a little longer to figure myself out, and was always missed. I was officially diagnosed with high functioning autism, alongside depression and anxiety, by the age of 15, so I missed a lot of my mental illness...
  13. Bolletje

    Trouble being supportive

    The situation: I live together with my not-quite-NT boyfriend of 6 years. He's a very creative (and chaotic) person with whims in which he'll create something. Often bizzare contraptions that don't necessarily serve a purpose. It's fun for him. For instance, last week he spent hours making a...
  14. Sabrina

    Is anyone here obsessed with climbing?

    Does anyone here has climbing as a special interest? Would you like to talk about it? My boyfriend fits the aspie profile and he was describing a climbing buddy (not exactly a friend) that also fits the aspie profile, so I got curious to know if it’s a pattern.
  15. onlything

    'Childish' hobbies

    Hey there! Funny thing but I've still got my stuffed toys lying all around and a small cards, tazos and figures collection that I started as a kid. To think these things are already so old... And that I like these old themes even more than I used to. Well, what about you? Got something that...
  16. A

    My Art

    I have been making artwork my entire life and now I take AP art in high school. It's so much fun! I recently made a website to show off my art and I want to sell it after I graduate. Here is the link: ARYANNA HORAN ART
  17. Bolletje

    Job Interview part 2: Multipotentialites

    In the wake of my job interview last week, I've made some discoveries and had some revelations. At the time of my last blog post I was feeling self-conscious. Skipping to the end: I got over that, due to some accidental vigorous soul-searching. I spent some time thinking about how, to other...
  18. Jenisautistic

    What activities do you like to do for fun?

    I like to swim sing draw go to my special needs programs and Saturdays in the summer I also like to listen to music and at times read and trying to write.
  19. Meila

    Hello :) I'm Meila, an aspie

    Hello everybody! I'm Meila from England and was officially diagnosed with aspergers a couple of years ago. I absolutely love sci-fi and horror (though I'm awful with the aftermath of watching the films) and I adore writing, particularly psychological thrillers. I also love Badminton, tennis...
  20. Sabrina


    Hi, is anyone here a minimalist or is interested in minimalism? I started this lifestyle path formally four years ago, but I've always been interested in finding new ways to simplify my life. Having less visual distractions at home, and reducing the amount of decisions that I have to make...
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