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  1. Sander-Schagen

    Who am i ?

    First i want to make clear, that i am NOT the story below. That story belongs to the Social Virtual Reality and is ruled by words and narratives. It contains Past and Present, Longings and Fears, Fame and Infamy. I am the Consciousness that experiences the HERE & NOW. As such, i have NO...
  2. Beanfinity

    In the workplace - being told to work differently / slower

    This just occurred to me today, and I am even at work right now typing this up (on my morning break, not eating into work time). I don't mean this as a 'flex' as I know autistic people have trouble with their jobs, so I hope it isn't taken that way (my workplace issues have always been socially...
  3. WiffingWaffles

    Lovely Characters you guys might like

    Self explanatory. Part 1
  4. Milliecat


    i have this thing where all of the sudden i get hyperfixated on a person, like a youtuber or an artist. I may not even have watched or listened to their stuff before, or just had like a song or two I liked by them or watched a coupleof their videoes. Then something just sticks in my brain...
  5. Voltaic

    what goes on inside your head when you hyperfocus?

    when i am hyperfoccused, I feel in an anxious state. something like constant overload kicks starts it. I feel like i just grt how to do things, all ofi the ways to do it make sence, and can be conected into acohesive task. what goes on in your head? and a personal question of mine: do they get...
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