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job hunting

  1. Ari7

    Trying to leave unemployment

    As the title says. I stopped working in 2010 (worked at my dad's and he thought I should focus on my studies so I agreed to be let off) but due to panic while searching jobs I couldn't land a job (one such example was crying on the side walk after being practically hired after the interview...
  2. Georgia Galaxy

    Frustration & Anger

    I felt a LOT of anger earlier today, especially when I was doing chores. I felt very 'teenage angsty' and disappointed my family. It's EXTREMELY unusual for me to be that angry. Suddenly though, I realise one thing I'm frustrated about - I still don't have a job yet. I also get annoyed at...
  3. Y

    I have a lot of problems that are constantly bothering me

    I’ve been having a really tough time lately. There are a lot of things bothering me that instantly make me depressed once I think about them. I’ve been out of college for over a year and I still don’t have a full-time job. I’ve tried so hard to find one for my degrees (communication and film)...
  4. Y

    I'm having a tough time finding a full-time job

    I've been out of school since last May and I've been trying really hard to find a full-time job. However, I can't find anything related to my major or what I want to do. I graduated with a master's in communication and a bachelor's in film and media, and I really want to do something that...
  5. Y

    Please help me deal with my anxieties about moving and graduating from college

    I just graduated college today and am preparing to go on a road trip from Connecticut to my new home in Florida. There are so many anxieties and fears I have about this that I don't know what to do about them. I'm scared of going to a new place. All but one of my friends are back in Connecticut...
  6. C

    I figured some things out about myself, and now I have new problems....

    ...but isn't that just the way? I'm middle-aged and have struggled in the USA South my whole life. I am a software developer who does well in very tech-oriented jobs, but poorly when programmers are treated like engineers and technicians and neurotypicals with business degrees control the...
  7. BlueSky Aozora

    He went to an interview! Yay!

    Okay, he couldn't sleep for two nights before the interview day. That sucks, we kinda argued because I will get tired too when he's insomniac. Like, I asked him many times about how about you wear a necktie; then he said no need and said I was nagging him. But when we reached the place, he...
  8. Sara3

    Autism and jobs

    Hi. I have been reading about the struggles that autistic people have to get a job and I feel identified. I am scared of feeling constantly tired and anxious (because I already am). I don't want to be a teacher and only thinking about it makes me feel miserable. I don't have a job yet but I am...
  9. Andrew206

    In-Person Employment Inquiries

    Today I went in person with help from a job developer to several stores in my area to inquire about employment. Many of them were very friendly and helpful, and I was able to leave a resume each time. In two of those stores, I filled out an application on site. If you've tried inquiring...
  10. Andrew206

    Applying For A Job In Person

    I'm planning to apply for jobs in person, specifically at restaurants in my area. How should I act when I go in to apply in person? What times are good for applying in person? Should I apply even if there are no openings?
  11. Andrew206

    Finding Good Employment

    I've been told in previous jobs (mainly in food service) that my communication and work speed is slow. I'm wondering if I should try to find a job that isn't as stressful as food service is.
  12. Mary Anne

    What kind of aspie work ?!?!

    All I want to do (or can do) is hyper focus and be a studio fine artist up it’s not financially or remotely possible. Back in the 1980s, I was a professional artist who created illustrations, animations, and advertising for corporations (pre computer society). I did not have to deal with...
  13. Chris Russell (The Talentless Liar) Blog

    Karma Police - An addendum (First Published Oct 2017)

    I gave Karma a prod in my last post and bemoaned the consequences, but it turns out my little stash of validity has been looking after itself very well thank you, while my confidence has taken a dive. Not long after sending my email withdrawing from the application process, I received an email...
  14. Chris Russell (The Talentless Liar) Blog

    Karma Police (First published October 2017)

    What an odd title I have chosen for this post... (Regardless of my being a huge Radiohead fan.) And yet I can think of nothing better to encompass the feelings I have at recent events. Perhaps this is the first sign of my sense of my newfound validity starting to fracture... (I wouldn't be...
  15. The Midge


    It’s Friday. I’m sitting down with my morning cuppa on a day off. When the grass is dry I’m going to start some work on the garden and do a bit of landscaping. Sounds idyllic doesn’t it? I would rather be at work earning enough to live on comfortably, getting a pension and that kind of thing...
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