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  1. P

    Toybox Christmas Video

    Does anyone remember owning this gem of a Christmas themed VHS tape? It contains Postman Pat, Fireman Sam (its Snow Business special), Pingu, The Little Polar Bear (not the 2001 film, I meant the classic BBC series) and Noddy, though I have to admit, the Noddy episode is my favourite.
  2. SusanLR

    Comfort smells...

    Everyone knows about comfort foods. What about smells, scents? Especially this time of year with the Holidays here. What smells give you a sense of comfort, memories, or scents that you just like? Examples: Cinnamon Brooms. I buy several every year when they are available for fall to set...
  3. FlowerFlo

    Not losing special interests

    I have boht aspergers and adhd and i think i dont lose any of my special interests. Yeah, i will forget about them, but its just because i have so many. I am still into things i had special interests as a child, like guinea pigs, mice, the 3 world war and dollhouses.I do often find something new...
  4. jleeb05

    I don't know whether I want to hug or strangle my childhood self

    I've kept a journal since I was about 11 or 12. I hadn't read through the older ones in years but was prompted to do so today after I realized my Mom and I had different memories relating to a certain event in my childhood. Turns out I was mostly right regarding the memory but reading through...
  5. Anaaewp

    Childhood memories and being autistic

    I was talking to my therapist about how I only noticed I was different when I was a teenager, and as a child I was pretty normal and played a lot with other kids, etc. But I asked my parents and they said I was always playing alone. Then we found these old home videos and, sure enough, I was...
  6. Jorg

    I found some nice memories from past friends

    I was cleaning my room when I found a paper box with some memorabilia/letters from old friends. Back when I was in my last year of high school, my senior year I guess they call it that way in US, there was this tradition of exchanging letters or thoughts on paper with every student who was going...
  7. Jenisautistic

    seeing my new social worker

    Hello today i went to see my social worker from my services to help me get services near me she was very nice and hopefully I will get something to do soon during the week we talked about a lot of things my challenges my strengths and what I like to do by the way I don't know if I mentioned...
  8. Daydreamer

    The deceptive side of memories

    I've always wondered if there's a name for what I'm about to describe. Sometimes I still think of the people I knew when I was younger, who were the same age as me, but I later lost contact with, as still being that age. Even though logically I know that isn't the case. There are days when I...
  9. ConqueringZero44


    Love and Acceptance is something i cherish. Always. Now it's a different story. I've had two relationships in my life, one of them being rather intense while the other was more different. My first relationship, i met her online.. Things were going well, and we were both hooked on each other, the...
  10. ConqueringZero44


    Thoughts about my life if they come up, and if they don't. Life, love, loss, anything. This will be written maybe(?) if i can muster up a thought. And maybe you will find it engaging! Thank you!
  11. Sozdatelniza

    Do you have some items as long as you live?

    I heard everybody has something that is as old as the owner. I have a few things that I've got just after my birth (well, max. one year) and I kept them for a very long time. However I have only one thing I still have. It's my stuffed cocker spaniel my aunt brought from UK. I got it when I...
  12. Gritches

    PTSD and the Healing Power of Self-Forgiveness

    Very recently, I've learned of the healing power behind forgiving yourself for a troubled past, and as highlighted in JDartistic's post about dealing with humiliation, I'm not alone in that sentiment. I would, however, like to explain where I was, where I am now, and what changed in hopes that...
  13. Sabrina

    Who else didn’t know how to play with barbies (or any doll)?

    I just remember “playing” by talking to a certain doll while I tucked her in, and then leaving her sleeping beside my bed. But Barbies, I had absolutely no clue. I remember arranging the ‘setting’ , organizing the house or the town where they were supposed to live, but when I was done with...
  14. Ster

    How did you find out you had aspergers?

    My parents knew from the very start. I walked before I crawled when I was a baby, I wouldn't speak to anyone, and it was pretty hard for me to socialize. I've always been known as one of the "weird kids" at school, and I never understood why I couldn't fit in, or understand subjects the same way...
  15. Caelix3

    Autism and inanimate objects?

    Anyone else get attached to inanimate objects? Such as Keychains, pens, pencils, bags or purses, etc. I noticed that sometimes I get attached to inanimate objects. Almost like one would get attached to a stuffed animal. An example would be: I bought a Keychain at Meijer, it was a fuzzy...
  16. blessed-:)

    Is never too late to find yourself?

    A month ago I was a victim of a severe anxiety and a depression. I was lonely, I could concentrate and I was totally lost. For years I tried every single thing my mind could think of, I tried all to alleviate my symptoms. Every single thing I did not help. All the meditation did help...
  17. Cinnamon115

    Today is the 50th anniversary of "A Charlie Brown Christmas"

    I love Peanuts, and A Charlie Brown Christmas is one of my favorite tv specials. (I've even memorized it!) Are there any other Peanuts fans here? Share some of your favorite Peanuts memories if you want. I have to go to class now, so I will come back and say my favorite memory later.
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