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  1. Ame568

    In need of help for nephew

    I'm so sorry, I post in this topic too much but I just don't know what to do. My nephew is going to be 5 years old next month and he's non-verbal but the issue is he will not stop hitting/slapping (himself and us), biting, kicking, pinching, punching, running and hitting us (like he's trying to...
  2. Ame568

    How to get him to stop biting

    Hey all, sorry it's been a while. My nephew keeps on trying to bite everyday, there are days where he actually does bite us (me mostly) and no matter what we do (like time-out, telling him "no biting/you are not going to bite anyone/etc", removing myself or him from the situation and so on) he...
  3. Ame568

    How to bottle break?

    Although we don't have an official diagnosis we believe that my nephew is autistic and/or has ADHD. He's 3 years old, non-talking (mentally behind other 3 year olds, he acts more like a 2-2 1/2 year old) and still drinking from his bottle and wants nothing to do with a cup. We tried different...
  4. Ame568

    I need some help with my nephew

    So, after years of research I decided to finally call myself autistic and we believe my nephew is too, I see some of myself in him. Well he's almost 3 years old and mostly non-verbal, he can say "na", "la", "da/dada" and "no" but it comes out when he's upset. Anyway he's also a screamer, he...
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