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  1. Xinyta

    Confonting 'Adam' - Metroid Fusion

    This scene in the game has some emotional context attached to it. And a very pivotal moment in the game's storyline. Samus, during some elevator rides, adds exposition of the situation or her memories of Adam (which was horribly botched in Other M). Her memories of Adam are the result of naming...
  2. tripleU

    I love green grass

    I love grass that is vibrant, Here is an image, I made a month ago not fully rendered. Neurotypicals don't like these, from what I can get More (Exactly not grass, but the sunlight adds that feeling):
  3. Slim Jim

    Nostalgia: Things from the Past, That you just Love

    In this thread. Post anything, that brings back good memories from your childhood. Can be any era.
  4. M

    Are you nostalgic?

    It's various definitions describe: A feeling of pleasure and/or sadness when you think about things that happened in the past. A sentimentality for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations. Recalling the past in a rosy, positive light, even though the...
  5. Ameriblush

    What scared you as a child but makes laugh now?

    I notice a trend with people being scared of the oddest things when they were younger but now finds them hilarious upon reaching adulthood or near adulthood. Do you have any experiences like that? Post pictures or videos if you want, keep it PG and Safe For Work. Mine is this random as crap...
  6. Friend4any1

    Everything Wrong With My Noastalgias

    I’ve read, watched, or otherwise got into several things in my childhood. Of course, that period of my life had nothing to do with vegetarianism, let alone veganism. Anyway, several of them turned into mixed-bags ever since these things I’ve found online shocked me into determinedly switching to...
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