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  1. Rebecca35

    Boyfriend is obsessed with me

    Hello, I'm new here and trying to learn how to use this site. So if I'm posting this in the wrong place my apologies. I have a boyfriend who is autistic. I've been with him for over a year (I am not autistic) My boyfriend is so very obsessed with me. He wants to be with me 24/7. He wants to do...
  2. Caelix3

    Virtual Worlds!

    Lately, I've been obsessed with virtual worlds. More than usual. I can't stop thinking about it and when I get to play again. I constantly want to ask my parents for money, to buy things on these virtual worlds. Which isn't a good thing. I just love how the avatars look and how you can socialize...
  3. Jorg

    Learning by yourself:How not to get stucked?

    Hi, I was wondering if have had any problems learning stuff by youselves? I have spent many months tryings to learn programming by myself, I'm studying electronic engineering and I must perfect my code skills, but I just feel the college plans are waaayyy too short on programming, I mean, the...
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