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  1. O

    My mental health status

    Sometimes I have severe OCD with derealization and lack of insight/delusional beliefs and nightmares.
  2. Y

    Need help dealing with suicide related compulsions

    I've been dealing with suicidal thoughts for a while now, but recently something new has popped up. I have this weird feeling in my hand that feels like I want to take a knife and stab myself. I'm not sure how to get rid of these feelings. I tried techniques my parents and therapist have taught...
  3. Prometheus

    ADHD and Hyper-systematizing

    Literally me. I'm also kinda sick at the moment, so everything seems extra hard. I have headache everyday. I think I might have ADHD. I might have had it all along, and never noticed. So anybody else, have the strong desire to know things, systemic knowledge, and do it all perfectly? I think...
  4. morax


    hello :) i use any name that starts with m, mostly "min" but i enjoy being called morax, meinki, or minerva as well. i do not use pronouns (im serious, not making fun of anyone), but they/them is ok if not using pronouns is difficult for you. i am 16, and i don't have an official asd diagnosis...
  5. B

    Allistic/Autistic Relationship//Issues with Control

    Hi there, I'm borg, I'm allistic, but have a whole host of other psychiatric diagnoses and am also disabled. My wife is Autistic, no formal diagnosis as of yet, she's at the beginning of her journey in coming to terms with her autism. I have a number of autistic people in my life and strive to...
  6. L

    How can I accept my diagnose and stop masking?

    TRIGGER WARNING: depression, OCD, anxiety, suicide thoughts. Hello. It'll be a little long, sorry for my broken english: I was diagnosed last november. The process took almost eight months. I was already going to a psycologist since 11 years old and to a psychiatrist, since 15 years. I have...
  7. Crossbreed

    The Church & Mental Illness...

    These USA churches are good at dealing with mental illnesses (such as schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc.), Vineyard, Assembly of God, Foursquare Church (Links above are locators.) They are present in other countries, as well. (Do not discontinue taking your medicine without...
  8. Lizzie Earnshaw


    So hey, not sure if I’m intruding or not but hoping i might be able to find some answers. I was looking into ways (like self help cause already on antidepressants for PMDD so what will more doctor help include other than upping the dose...) to get myself out of my OCD tendencies and stumbled...
  9. K


    Hi I'm very new to this website however I wanted to know peoples experiences with being diagnosed as a female or a family member being diagnosed? How hard did you find the experience? Also if it's a family member - how is it having an older sibling with Aspergers? Or being an older sibling with...
  10. Matthew Behnke

    I really want to die

    I feel like I was secretly depressed the whole time I was on my path, and I cried all the time because of my OCD, anxiety, due to the fact it was too much, when I did nothing in my life, I just ignored it because I did not see meaning in life, but when I did, and my parents said I was a...
  11. Matthew Behnke

    Anybody been struggling with anxiety? (New Years)

    I wanted to personally post here because I haven’t in a long time, and I wanted to discuss a serious problem I had but handled very well over a year, I have had a lot of anxiety last year and just a summary of what I wanted to share. For the past year, I have been struggling with OCD and...
  12. S

    My 12yo son with a PDD-NOS diagnosis "wants to live in the past". Can't figure it out.

    Hello everyone. Thanks you for reading this. I have a 12yo son who has been diagnosed with Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) some years ago. He does have trouble socializing and communicating, and is not currently on therapy, although he has done a bit social...
  13. Matthew Behnke

    Having trouble with managing my OCD

    Hello there, I have autism and OCD, I currently learn Russian mainly because I talk to people online in the language and use Russian social media, I personally feel like this has kept me active in the language in the best way possible. I however, struggle and sometimes doubt myself when I do...
  14. Matthew Behnke

    OCD causing too much stress

    I feel sorry for posting another thread about this, but I think it’s needed because of the fact it’s such a serious issue. Recently I have had killer thoughts and intense ones too, to the point that sometimes they made me break down and cry. One of them was about my past, it was this one...
  15. Matthew Behnke

    OCD about Xenophobia

    I do not know if many autistic people have OCD like I do and ADHD but it is awfully bad especially around foreigners. You see, because of my first relationship with someone from another country, I started following people on social media and picked up the language. My ability in language is...
  16. Accepting Autism

    Today was a good day

    My day started slowly. I couldn't get out of bed until 9 a.m., until I got a call from my mom and dad who are on holiday in Asia. It cheered me up to see them. I was watching some DIY decor and DIY thrift store clothing upgrade videos on YouTube by the channel TheSorryGirls (I very much...
  17. S

    Compulsive thoughts

    Does anyone suffer from fixations but within your head? I try and explain to people that it doesnt feel as though i have ocd because my brain just keeps popping up with thoughts of deafs and its doesnt seem to greatly upset me just make me anxious but sometimes i have these what i call "phase...
  18. My Story

    My Story

    I was diagnosed 6 months ago with ASD. I am 36 years old. I was married very young and have a son. I was with my husband for 14 years and eventually I fell apart and we got divorced and my whole life changed. I had never been on my own before and the stress of change made me get worse. I...
  19. M

    How do you make a distinction between obsessions/compulsions caused by OCD and by aspergers/autism?

    Just wondering because I think I may have either both or just one.
  20. Bella Pines

    Conscious breathing or sensorimotor obsessions

    I've recently developed a new "thing" which after a bit of googling seems to be called "conscious breathing or sensorimotor obsessions". Basically I've been consciously breathing. It's difficult to describe but it's like I've forgotten how to naturally breathe and every breath is a conscious...
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