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  1. I


    Hi, folks, There are many systems you can use when you want to be productive and/or organised. You can use some to-do lists, time-managements, time-blockings, pomodoro techniques, note-taking apps and so on. And so on. Recently I've heard from a couple of sources, that for people with ADHD...
  2. N

    If I'm not working/productive, I feel guilty for relaxing

    I recently graduated college and ended up in a well paying job doing programming. I like what I do, but now I have much more free time, and still have an industriousness issue, among others. To put it simply, if I'm not working, I feel guilty for wasting time, and just dissatisfied. At my...
  3. F

    Mindfulness Maybe

    The culture surrounding health and wellness can be difficult to navigate as a neurodiverse individual as even popular resources can often alienate those who struggle with sensory sensitivities and executive function. I want to move past this, toxic productivity is something prevalent in this...
  4. A

    Totally Disregulated

    Maybe my anxiety is also just a result of being disregulated. I've been reading as much as I can about Aspergers in the workplace, and there's useful info on being disregulated and needing to be more intentional about trying to regulate oneself with smart routines. I used to hate routines in...
  5. C

    Favorite apps?

    Hi everyone. Just wondering what favorite apps you might have and use often? Can be for iOS, android, desktop, anything goes. Can be absolutely anything you like, games, planning, relaxation, social media and so on. Have you found anything that has helped with autism specifically? Cory ✌️
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