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  1. Captain Mars

    Workshopping Game Dialogue

    Wasn't sure of where to put this. Figured CS&T was the closest to correct. I'm working on a psychological RPG game, and I've been workshopping dialogue. I wanted to share it here, as I don't have too many people to share it with irl. This is one draft of a late game level's major dialogue...
  2. J

    A Design of A Product That Can Help Individuals With Autism Calm Themselves Down [THESIS]

    Hello! I took on this topic because, even if I'm not related with anyone with Autism, I have always taken a liking to psychology. That also goes the same with mental disabilities, and since the push for awareness has become rampant these days, that made me want to take on the topic. I also...
  3. J

    Autism simulation opinions and ideas!

    Hey guys! I didn't know where to post this so here I go. For a big project at my high school I'm going to do a 30 minute simulation/game about autism so people know what it's like. I have Asperger's so I know what it's like already. I was thinking of doing an obstacle course of some sort of...
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