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relationship issues

  1. Rebecca35

    Boyfriend is obsessed with me

    Hello, I'm new here and trying to learn how to use this site. So if I'm posting this in the wrong place my apologies. I have a boyfriend who is autistic. I've been with him for over a year (I am not autistic) My boyfriend is so very obsessed with me. He wants to be with me 24/7. He wants to do...
  2. NothingbutCookies

    My ex was my everything and now he's gone

    It's my first time posting, and I really need someone to consult about this. It's long. My boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me out of the blue. Background: He (28) has high functioning autism, and I (27) have ADHD and suspect to also be on the spectrum ( but can't afford to diagnose...
  3. B


    Hi My name is Chanelle and I am an autistic adult. I was diagnosed with ASD (high functioning/Asperger’s) in 2017 and I am 48 years old. I have been in and out of mental health support since I was about 19. I love with my male partner and two younger teenage daughters. I am wondering about...
  4. J

    WARNING LONG POST- I Need Some Perspective on This

    I started getting to know this guy that I work with a couple times a week, and I absolutely adore his mind and personality. I believe he’s on the spectrum due to some things he’s shared with me such as; working with a therapist to work on his social cues, he doesn’t like being touched and he’s...
  5. B

    Allistic/Autistic Relationship//Issues with Control

    Hi there, I'm borg, I'm allistic, but have a whole host of other psychiatric diagnoses and am also disabled. My wife is Autistic, no formal diagnosis as of yet, she's at the beginning of her journey in coming to terms with her autism. I have a number of autistic people in my life and strive to...
  6. P

    I can move on with my life...

    The situation was like this: due to pandemics and distance, we broke up with my boyfriend. When we returned to college, we decided to see how our relations would go. We didn't get back together but we spent a lot of time together, acting like couple without making it official and everything was...
  7. Gerald Wilgus

    How did you meet your significant other?

    On an earlier thread I mentioned that while hard for us with ASD, frequently we had to make our own luck, and that effort sometimes yielded a relationship and marriage. So, here is a question for those that took a different path from enjoying being alone: How did you meet your significant...
  8. A

    Klutsy in relationships

    I have again had a situation where I have made a mess of a situation with my wife. I am not trying to do this but what ever I do (from the best of intentions) seems to be the wrong thing. I just cannot get it right and I have no clue as to how to respond to her. It seems that autism for me...
  9. 1

    Advice Appreciated

    Hi, This is my first time posting, in any forum ever. I appreciate advice from anyone, as I do realize that a lot of what I am asking is very general, and not necessarily tied to his condition. English is not my first language, so sorry for any typos, and if any clarification is needed, please...
  10. T

    Relationship Issues --I'm definitely in the wrong

    So background: My boyfriend and I have been together for 6+ years. We met online back when we were both teenagers, had a lot of interests in common. We got together and haven't looked back since. He's from Lima, Peru; the long-distance was always a weight but a manageable one, looking forward...
  11. N

    Possible to get back ex-girlfriend with Aspergers years after a messy breakup?

    Hello everyone. My apologies that this is my first post here, but I've been incredibly conflicted, and well heartbroken. My ex-girlfriend has been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, while I've been diagnosed with severe depression. Some backstory: We dated for five years. I came over from...
  12. Jena

    So my ex messaged me after almost 2 year of no contact

    So this guy I dated for 2 years broke up with me in 2018 randomly and suddenly. He had not spoke to me at all until this last saturday which took me by suprised. To sum it up he asked if I am doing ok during this pandemic and after going off on him breaking my heart he applogizes and admits he...
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