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  1. J

    Mental Health and Autism

    Hello everyone, I am a student completing a masters in psychology completing my dissertation on autism and mental health literacy. My background is an autism liaison nurse in an acute hospital and have lots of experience working with autistic people with mental health difficulties. I would...
  2. SeanF

    Attachment Style

    I am apparently a "dismissive avoidant." While all the things I read pointed to this being a facet of my childhood, I couldn't help but feel it also kind of mirrored my autistic traits. I am sure there is an overlap, especially since my dad was autistic. I was just curious if anyone else had...
  3. E

    Participants needed for study

    🌿 Calling autistic adults (18 years+) 🌿 Please take part in our online study and tell us about your sensory experiences when engaging with nature. You are welcome to take part no matter your engagement with nature: ❌ If you don't at all 🥾 If you engage directly (e.g., visiting nature) 📺...
  4. JoSchi

    Survey about behavioral or developmental disorders for a study

    Hello there! As some of you know (Working on an app to support ASD) I'm currently looking to build something, together with my partner, to help people with ASD and other behavioral or developmental disorders. I faced a lot of challenges after my diagnosis and I'm sometimes stuck because the...
  5. JoSchi

    Working on an app to support ASD

    Hello there, my name's Joel and I got diagnosed with Asperger, 3y ago. Here in Luxembourg, support is free and super nice, but they're missing people to fulfill all the needs to help and support people with ASD. I then checked if there are good, supporting apps on the market and found none. For...
  6. CosmicVenus

    Autism Genetics Study

    Hi everyone, I'm a senior in high school at a private school in Roanoke, Texas. Currently, I'm in the AP Research course and I've decided to do my project on the genetics of autism, specifically how mutations in certain autism candidate genes affect the expression of symptoms. I'm looking for...
  7. M

    Hello from a neurobiophysics student

    Hello! I am a neurobiophysics student from Lithuania. One of my interests is children's autism and allergies research.
  8. M

    Autism and allergies research questionnaire

    Hello! I am a neurobiophysics student from Lithuania. For my autism and allergies research I'd like to invite you to fill in this short questionnaire that will take only 5 minutes of your time. Every single response will help a lot to have a better understanding on how allergies affect the...
  9. A

    Anorexia recovery in Autism

    Hi, My name is Abigail McIntosh and I am a Clinical Psychology and Mental Health master's student at Swansea University, under the supervision of Dr Rachael Hunter ([email protected]). The aim of this project is to understand how individuals on the Autism spectrum make sense of their...
  10. C

    Research on Autism Strengths, Social Identity & Wellbeing

    Hi all, I'm looking for autistic people aged 16-30 to complete a survey for my research into autism strengths, social identity and wellbeing. I've noticed how much focus there has been on the difficulties associated with autism, and less about the strengths which I'd like to explore about more...
  11. O

    Survey respondents needed - App for looking up sensory information about social venues

    Hi everyone, I hope you're having a good day. I'm a student UX Designer, based in London, and am in the process of conducting research for an app that allows people to search for social or entertainment venues (such as restaurants and pubs) in their local area to find out information relating...
  12. P

    Research for eating disorders in autism

    Hello everyone! (Trigger warning for discussion of eating disorders) I am currently doing a Masters in autism research and have an assignment which is a research proposal on "Improving eating disorder treatments for autistic males". I wanted to consult with the autistic community before...
  13. G

    Museum Experience Survey

    Hi everyone! My research team and I are conducting a study which focuses on improving the experience of museums for autistic adults. The survey should only take about 5 minutes and your responses will be anonymized. If you are interested this is the link...
  14. L

    RESEARCH: Recruiting fathers diagnosed with ASD

    Hi all, My name is Lucy and I am a clinical psychology doctoral student and am currently carrying out a piece of research for my thesis. I am interested in finding out more about the experience of people who are fathers and have the diagnosis of Autism. Please see below my research advert. If...
  15. P

    Dartmouth Research Study - Participants Needed!

    PARTICIPANTS NEEDED for a study on how people think. If you are an adult with autism who is at least 18 years of age, please consider completing this survey (linked below). The survey will take less than an hour, and participants will receive financial compensation...
  16. A

    Recruiting Autistic Adults for Online Study on Sticky Thinking & Mental Health

    Hello, My name is Ava. Elliot Gavin Keenan and I are two autistic researchers and are recruiting autistic adults for our online survey study examining sticky or repetitive thinking, stimming (repetitive behaviors), and mental health in autistic adults. To participate, you must be age 18+, could...
  17. A

    Understanding preferences for online research

    Hello everyone! My name is Anita and I am trying to understand preferences in online research in autistic adolescents (12-16yrs). I have made a super quick survey that should take about 5min to complete, and I would love your opinions. It asks you to rate some research scenarios from most to...
  18. M

    Doing my Research Project on autism for school...

    Hey everyone I'm from Australia and in Year 12 (senior year, year 13, whatever you call the final year of secondary school in your country) we do a research project about a topic of our choice. My topic of choice is the possibility of an ethically sourced cure for autism. Note that I do not...
  19. W

    ABA Research Survey

    Hello! I am a grad student at Marshall University. I have been learning more about ABA and have been really frustrated at the lack of research on ABA that centers the autistic perspective and experience. I have created a survey to help me collect data on Autistic experiences in ABA and would...
  20. B

    Dissertation research on autism and H.E. access

    Hi I’m looking for participants to participate in my online survey for my dissertation looking at how society’s perceptions of autism effects higher education access the link is Does society’s perception of Autism affect Higher Educational access for autistic students? all responses and shares...
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