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  1. Ameriblush

    Falling asleep in class...

    I notice that whenever I sit down for a long enough period, I fall asleep. That sounds pretty basic, but I'm in class, and after sitting down for only 20 mins, I'm so out of it that I have narrowly avoided falling out of my seat and scaring the daylights out of myself on several occasions...
  2. Caelix3

    Sick right now...and makeup issues!

    So I'm sick with a scratchy throat,runny nose,stuffy nose right now. I want to use some lipstick, but I'm afraid I might get germs on it. Since it is one of those lipsticks with the wand. Like this: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Hard-Candy-Velvet-Mousse-Matte-Lip-Color-Wisteria-0.23-oz/50651002...
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