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social acceptance

  1. Italianbratxoxo

    Feeling unloved by everyone

    I’m a 31 year old woman who got diagnosed later in life. I never had friends growing up and even when I did have friends they would bully me. I go through these phases where I would have a ton of friends and end up with no one. I guess you can say have friends now but maybe I say they’re my...
  2. autism-and-autotune

    Disclosing my autism to my church?

    Hello everybody; thank you for your input in advance. I only put this question here because of my position in church. I like a lot of the people there, and have good connections with the other musicians. But lately I've been on the fence of disclosing my autism to the church--maybe not the...
  3. Ikarus Diary

    New Fulfilling Experience

    Hi. Today gave me the chance to experience a very satisfying morning that I wish it would always be this calm and relaxing. As always, I went to class, taking the bus. Surprisingly, it was cooling outside due to yesterday's storms, so I felt my body slightly shivering. Once inside, the...
  4. LadyS

    Social acceptance

    Posing several questions: Do you think the pressure and expectations of social acceptance is greater today than it was years/decades/centuries ago? Do you believe the obsession and/or struggle for social acceptance, particularly for autistics, prevent us from tapping into our true mental and...
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