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social interaction

  1. A

    Putting Myself Out There

    Exactly what it says on the tin- it’s been my New Year’s resolution to put myself out there more. I’m also interested in getting a new job, and even possibly dating. To reach my goal, I’ve become the head of a book club, and joined a neurodivergent support group. Those have both been going...
  2. S

    Socialization learning resources?

    Hello all! I’m looking for some help from anyone with knowledge on learning resources - what I’m specifically hoping to find are videos of people talking and interacting from start to finish. Studying conversation and cues have been of great help to me in the past as far as learning how best...
  3. Angular Chap

    The switch analogy for social interactions

    I was explaining this analogy to someone and thought I would share. It is about most in person social interactions, especially the unwanted ones. Imagine a switch in the back of the person's mind. Any kind of switch. Could be a light switch, an old school knife switch, any kind of on-off...
  4. Rodafina

    Learning to Connect

    I want to learn how to connect with people because of my nieces and nephews. I am very grateful to have a few steady and successful long-term relationships in my life. My parents, for example, a few friends, and other family members. I am super grateful for this, but if I’m being honest the...
  5. P

    Dissertation research – The Effect of Friendship Quality on Mental Health in Children Diagnosed with

    Hi everyone! For my dissertation, I am conducting surveys about the effect of friendship quality on mental health in children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. If you have a child age 4-13 with a diagnosis of Autism, I invite you to complete my survey, which will take only 20 minutes...
  6. M

    Autistic people are difficult for non-autistic people to read

    In summary, the evidence suggests autistic people are less readable than non-autistic people (Edey et al. 2016; Sheppard et al. 2016), that autistic people are perceived less favorably than non-autistic people (Sasson et al. 2017) and that when perceivers find it difficult to read targets, they...
  7. xudo

    Relating to children

    So, I've said before how I am devoid of any maternal instinct and I do not know how to relate to kids until they're able to talk reasonably well (probably also doesn't help that I can't do imaginative play). Two of my sister's in law just has babies, and we're going to see one of them later...
  8. Coupe

    Objects as conversation starters?

    I should start this out by saying that @sarah_r92 's thread about things people always carry with them got me thinking about those things leading to conversations with other people. :) For instance, I have a keychain of Cooper, a bright pink and blue giraffe/llama-like character from the movie...
  9. C

    A really embarrassing conversation...

    maybe someone may get a laugh out of this. Sooo casually sitting with my husband and Mother in law (who is VERY Catholic, and why that's important will soon be obvious) and I turn to my husband, Josh and say " will you wrap me up in a blanket like a burrito?" Trying and failing to be all...
  10. Bolletje

    Factual errors in entertainment

    So, just curious how many of you have the same pet peeve as I do. I love watching series and movies, a lot. I'm a sponge for knowledge of all kinds (and random facts that are pretty useless) and love watching shows with medical, (pseudo)scientific, or historical subjects. What gets me every time...
  11. Caelix3

    Trouble with role playing :(

    I love role playing. But whenever I end up joining one, I get really socially anxious and barely interact with anyone. Like I won't even message someone to plot because I don't know what to plot about. I want to continue role playing but I always end up getting really socially anxious. Thus no...
  12. Caelix3

    Overwhelmed by social interaction?

    So I've joined three roleplays on Tumblr. I've been getting better at role playing and stuff, which is good. But I noticed I was starting to get overwhelmed by all the social interaction, even though it was online. Like I was actually getting anxiety like I couldn't breathe. I actually had to...
  13. Caelix3

    Help with socializing?

    I have trouble making and keeping a conversation. But mostly with keeping a conversation going. Does anyone have any tips on how to keep a conversation going?
  14. R

    Asperger types are not autistic

    I've done a lot of research on Asperger's being lumped in with autism and the only commonality I can see is lack of socialization, and even that, I believe, has a different source; as an Aspie I just get fed up with social interaction being so infantile, boring and aggressive. I hate drama and...
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