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  1. S

    Virtual Space Camp with VIP Space Company Tours for Autistics in Los Angeles Area - Supported by USSF Space Systems Command Space STEM Team

    Hey everyone! My name's Brian. I'm a summer intern @ Los Angeles AFB with autism hosting a free virtual space engineering pilot camp next week using the video game Kerbal Space Program for autistics interested in Science/Technology/Engineering/Math (STEM). The purpose of the camp is to teach...
  2. LadyS

    Supermassive Black Hole

    The Black hole in the heart of our galaxy, Sagittarius A, has been imaged for the first time. Pretty cool. So now I can finally see where all my missing socks went... Anyone else care to comment..?
  3. G

    What’s at the edge of the universe?

    Now that we’ve mapped-out the universe and know that there is an end or edge to it, what is that edge like?
  4. watersprite

    4000 Years of Women in Science

    Speaker: Dr. Sethanne Howard, Washington Academy of Sciences presented a live lecture on the 2nd of November2021. Link to recorded lecture. “…Female creativity and genius fill our technical past, yet their fundamental contributions can be missing from our textbooks and data. The stories of...
  5. N


    Hi! I’m Jace and I’m 24 (he/him), from the east coast To be honest I originally came here to find someone who’s as jazzed about all things space/hard sci fi or other things I like because ppl close to me cannot keep up so I’m hoping I can feel a little less weird for going full throttle...
  6. callmeriver

    what is your favourite natural satellite (moon)?

    my favourite moons are saturns moon titan which is known for having liquid methane lakes my other favourite moon is Jupiters moon Europa which was discovered by Galileo and it is believed that there might be an water ocean underneath its icy crust both of these moons interest me because...
  7. H

    Stereopsis - Is this only me?

    I don't know what's the right word for this but it's hard to "feel space"??? I have a strange sense of balance, space is just like... it's like a lot of little transparent ants running in front of my eyes. (???) It's hard to tell what it's like, it's pretty difficult to draw a straight line or...
  8. J

    Semi NT Aspie advice for salvage

  9. N

    Radio bursts from deep space

    Astronomers Detect Repeat ‘Fast Radio Bursts’ for the First Time
  10. The Gentle and Brave Writer

    A mom, a son and lots of curiosity

    My eight-year-old told me last night, again, that he’s not learning anything at school. That he wants to know how everything was created, and how the plants and animals were inside. I told him the we could learn it at home anyway. So today I found these very cool videos that I want to see and...
  11. Jorg

    Stargate SG-1/Atlantis, etc

    I don't know if there's already a post about this series, I know is "old" and it was canceled many years ago but I just watched the last episode from SG-1. I remember watching this series many years ago when I was a kid and since some months ago I've been watching it on tv, today it "ended" and...
  12. WereBear

    We are moving. Kinda.

    My partner has a chronic illness, we don't have much money, and what money we do have we are trying to start a business with. Our third floor apartment always has been too small and inaccessible for what is now two people with challenging conditions. All of these conflicting processes had...
  13. Davanimation 2010

    Davanimation 2010

    Kinda' reminds me of Star Fox. (Nintendo game)
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