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  1. Jenisautistic

    my messy public unedited talk

  2. P

    I like to write stories....

    My latest story ideas is called A Christmas Walk. Based on 100 Greatest Christmas Moments from Channel 4, it seems Vixen (from Robbie The Reindeer) and I go on a walk across a snow covered Friendship Estate to see how their friends prepare for Christmas. If you've seen 100 Greatest Christmas...
  3. P

    Name Some Story Scenarios You Can Visualise When You Can Hear The Word 'Hear'

    Title says it all, really. What can you visualise when you hear the word 'Hear' being said aloud?
  4. A

    Share your stories and experiences

    You have a view, why not express it? Your story could make a big difference. We want to give autistic people a platform to share their experiences in day-to-day situations, be it on public transport, in healthcare settings, in supermarkets, or other everyday scenarios. Whether it’s a positive...
  5. watersprite

    4000 Years of Women in Science

    Speaker: Dr. Sethanne Howard, Washington Academy of Sciences presented a live lecture on the 2nd of November2021. Link to recorded lecture. “…Female creativity and genius fill our technical past, yet their fundamental contributions can be missing from our textbooks and data. The stories of...
  6. Skittlebisquit

    Reading on my phone

    I like to read on my phone, but have not yet found any great sites. I read eragon 3 recently by downloading it, that was fun. Does any one have suggestions about where to find interesting fiction to read online?
  7. Daydreamer

    Were you imaginative as a child?

    Fiction played a significantly large role in my childhood. In a way it helped me cope with my surroundings. Having an imaginary world that I could escape to when times got rough altered my mood at times. I spent years creating my own paracosm, adding small details to it each day (even down to...
  8. Daydreamer

    (To the writers) What do you enjoy the most about writing?

    Personally, I would say that I enjoy; -the fact that it has led to me learning new things, and also it has rekindled an interest in learning in general. Sometimes for a scene I'll have to research into specific areas to make sure that small details are correct. Which has helped me to discover...
  9. The Gentle and Brave Writer

    The introverted decided to talk to a stranger

    ‘I’m going to talk to him. Yes. I can do this, I can do this’. I swim everyday but I usually don’t talk to anybody when I go. Actually, that’s one of the blessings of swimming, no spontaneous chitchat that might bring me down from the clouds. The thing is: I like my clouds. They are nice and...
  10. M

    Hospital Stories

    Realize that hospital is usually not a great place to be if your a patient. For most people, and especially Aspies. My spouse is finding it difficult in hospital, with people coming and going constantly. The noise associated with hospitals, people touching you, the lack of privacy. Among many...
  11. Mellow Bunny

    How do meltdowns work?

    Hello, I'm called Mellow on here, and I just wanted to talk about meltdowns. I'm not completely sure how they work. I mean, I know how they come about, but I'm not sure if I've had any meltdowns. Around a year ago, I was in a "ARD" meeting with my dad and a bunch of teachers, counselors, and...
  12. M

    Modern shakespearean tale

    Going to begin a story, told in Shakespearean 'like' language. You can use actual lines from Shakespearean plays and sonnets and writing. The rules of the game as as follows: The story is modern but written in Elizabethan style language. You must write in Shakespearean/Elizabethean style...
  13. M

    The Human Library - Meeting people

    The Human Library™ is designed to build a positive framework for conversations that can challenge stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue. The Human Library is a place where real people are on loan to readers. A place where difficult questions are expected, appreciated and answered. This...
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