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  1. L

    Summer Game Fest 2024

    Did you enjoy the event? I thought it was trash.
  2. M

    Summer Run Series

    I ran my first race of a summer run series last night. The weather was too humid but I finished anyway. Hope the weather is better for the other 7 races.
  3. Sophia S

    Not sure on how to keep friends over the summer, Help?

    Ive officially been on summer break for about a week now and I already feel lonely? For context I just finished a year at a new highschool and my first group of friends didnt really work out. I made some new ones in the last two weeks but they were already very close before that. I friended many...
  4. catdog55616

    Well, it's been a while!

    I haven't been on the forum in a month, wow! Pride month wasn't as fulfilling as I thought it would, because some plans to do pride related things like parades fell through. School is out, too. I don't know what to do with all this time I have. Needless to say, my sleep schedule has gotten very...
  5. Stone Path.

    Stone Path.

    An area people enjoy walking, riding bikes, finding peace (or looking for it). Few years back during record heat.
  6. Questella

    It's too hot too sleep...

    Anyone else have this problem? I need my covers to sleep but it's so hot and humid I can't have them on me without feeling like I'm suffocating... I won't be able to fall asleep until I'm completely exhausted usually 6-10 hours after I should of went to sleep near when I would like to wake up...
  7. Geoo98

    Changing seasons

    Does anyone else find themselves really uncomfortable when seasons change? I don't know why but the thought that it'll be winter soon and it'll be all Christmassy makes me nervous. I love Christmas, it might be that it reminds me of past winters, I just don't like the change of that it can be a...
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