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  1. Xinyta

    Arctic Blast in the USA

    Okay. Who gave Mr. Freeze a weather machine? :P But seriously. For all the folks in the USA that are in the middle/upper mid-west(like myself) and east coast. We are going to be hit with a cold blast from the north. The northern states will see potential drops down to -30°F(-34.4°C). The middle...
  2. SusanLR

    Here comes the Hurricane

    Just to let everyone know we are preparing for a direct hit hurricane here in Tampa Bay. The last direct hit was 100 years ago. Storm of the century, I guess. The power always goes out when they come by here. Last one, Irma, six years ago, we were without power for 12 days. So, if you don't...
  3. LadyS

    Windier than normal?

    Is it me or has it been windier than normal this spring? Over here in TX it definitely has been, what about where you reside? Curious if it's across the world or just local. Our local weather gurus have confirmed it has been here. Which stinks. This is our ideal outdoor weather window...
  4. LadyS

    Weather Interest

    So my aspie brother developed an obsessive interest in the weather when he was just a kid. As a young teen, he used to watch the weather channel 24/7, and even tracked hurricanes and storms during his spare time. Other people, especially the family, used to make fun of him for it. They would...
  5. M

    How much snow do you have?

    This is a banner year for snow in the area I live in. It's about two feet/60 cm more than usual. Most that I've seen since I moved here over fifteen years ago. It's becoming increasingly difficult to find a place to put the snow. And as usual weather seems to rule our lives in Canada much of...
  6. D

    Influenced by the weather?

    Hello everyone! Are Aspies more prone to feel effects from weather change? I've always seemed to be especially sensitive about these things, from sudden weather changes to the atmospheric pressure. I have very different amounts of energy depending on the weather. Winter is the toughest, I also...
  7. Ackman12

    Weather History

    This is one of my "other" obsessions. I like studying past weather events, like snowstorms and past winters. Living in New England has rekindled this obsession. I remember the winter of '95/'96 and the blizzard of '96. I was living on Nantucket at the time with my mother. I remember the weekend...
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