An interesting video. Sadly there's so many scams online and some are so obvious, yet people still fall for them. It's awful that the law is simply overwhelmed and the scammers continue to get away with it with barely any risk of being arrested and that is why there are so many scams online. Also many are International scams and unfortunately it's often very difficult for police to follow up scams from other countries even if they did have the resources (which usually they won't) and what's more the victims often feel embarrassed and stupid so only a small percentage report them. It's about time authorities started taking some of these scams more seriously and started working with other countries to bring the culprits to justice, these scammers steal literally $Millions from people every year and it's now a very large criminal enterprise, yet still barely anything is ever done to stop it by authorities anywhere, even when people do report it.
One common scam is the make money quick schemes, there are so many different types, but they will all tell you that they're different from the rest (often even telling you to watch out for scams) and that this is one is actually truly genuine with lots of convincers and fake testimonies from happy people that apparently are now living a life of luxury, nearly all explaining how they were sceptical at first, but it's the best thing they ever did, telling you that anyone can do the same with little effort and no experience.
For instance one common scam involves downloading "free" software that automatically invests your money wisely in shares or other trading platforms, trading them automatically to allegedly make you masses of money in a relatively short time with little to no risk. The scheme / software will be promoted as an incredible discovery that they're willing to share with you (sometimes they may say that they will only share it with a limited number of lucky people which is normally rubbish and is used to promote urgency to sign up). The software may well be free to download and even to run in "demo" mode so you can allegedly test the software first before making a real investment. So you add say $500 in pretend money in demo mode and you start the software, then you watch your money increase pretty quickly as advertised, you try it multiple times and always get a similar result. Then many people are convinced that the software really must work and then invest real money thinking that they can't lose (often a good few hundred dollars is the minimum investment and at least a large amount of this will go-to the scammer), but this time you lose all your money because the demo mode is a total scam that just makes it appear that the software is working making you money by making all the right investments. In a short time you will lose everything.
Also beware that often online get rich quick scams sell themselves and you will find good reviews everywhere online even when you stand to lose all your hard earned money if you fall for it, this is because many offer affiliate schemes where the person is promised extra commission when someone signs up using their unique link. In some cases the entire scheme is about selling the scheme itself, this is a pyramid scheme where nearly everyone loses and the person at the very top makes a packet by effectively taking everyone elses money off them. Sometimes they will disguise a pyramid scheme with a worthless "product" that people are apparently buying such as an ebook that for instance trains you on setting up this apparent "business" and how to sell it. Don't ever fall for any get rich quick scams, there are no guaranteed get rich quick schemes online and if you want to make money online then expect to work for it (and most people don't succeed).