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100 Greatest Kids' TV Shows


I absolutely love Channel 4's 100 Greatest Kids' TV Shows, a countdown programme that used to air in 2001 then repeated in 2007, which taught us about 100 of the greatest kids' TV series in Britain. If you've watched this special the first time, chances are you remember some of the shows on there such as my favourites on the list: He Man, Chorlton & The Wheelies, Sooty and Blue Peter. Which from the list are your favourites?
The Famous Five. The original 70s series.
But they aren't in the list 😅🫣
I can still sing the theme song though.
Postman Pat
Fireman Sam
Thomas The Tank Engine
Captain Scarlet

The toys from some of those shows were, and still are, amazing. I still have most of my childhood collection somewhere.

captain scarlet.jpg
let's see....Looney Tunes,
Avatar the last air Bender
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
the 90s incartnation of Winnie the Pooh
Gi Joe
Inspector Gadget
the cartoon they made out of The Little Mermaid
the one about Aladdin,
Sonic X

should I go on?
When I was a kid we had a saturday morning cartoon show called Hey Hey It's Saturday, but as we grew up the show grew up with us. By the time I was in my mid 20s it had evolved in to a saturday evening variety show with comedy acts and live bands, still with the same crew.


One of my favorites was the Japanese cartoon Kimba the White Lion. The Lion King (also a favorite) which came out 30 years later was very similar in story and characters, though the Disney folks involved in creating it say there was no intentional connection or copying of it.



However a frame by frame comparison of many scenes shows an uncanny similarity.

Someone Created A Frame-By-Frame Comparison Showing How Disney Ripped Off ‘Kimba The White Lion’ When Making ‘Lion King’

My own conclusion is as so many scenes as well as story elements are near identical somebody(s) where aware and using Kimba as a reference.
Another big favorite when I was very small. I loved Dancing Bear and the Moose with his ping pong balls.
A big favourite of the little kids here was Humphrey B Bear. At around the same time that they banned all the road runner cartoons Humphrey got banned because he doesn't wear pants and Fat Cat got banned for not being gender specific. Some of the people that keep putting themselves forward as experts in morality and ethics are seriously twisted and sick as well as being mentally ill.

I absolutely love Channel 4's 100 Greatest Kids' TV Shows, a countdown programme that used to air in 2001 then repeated in 2007, which taught us about 100 of the greatest kids' TV series in Britain. If you've watched this special the first time, chances are you remember some of the shows on there such as my favourites on the list: He Man, Chorlton & The Wheelies, Sooty and Blue Peter. Which from the list are your favourites?
Hooray, a thread starting with a post discussing British TV instead of American TV!

In the '90s I was under 10, and I loved PlayDays (except I was scared of Wobble the Clown and Humphrey), ChuckleVision, Bodger and Badger, and...can't seem to remember any others. I'd watch them every day after school at 3.30pm.
When I was 10 I was into the Tweenies, which I watch on Youtube to this day. And as a teenager I watched My Parents Are Aliens.

I was never into Grange Hill though until I was 27, when my brother had ordered my mum box sets of the first 4 series, and me and my mum both watched them together. I got so heavily into it that I got my brother to order me the box sets of series 5-10. I never got further than series 10 though, but I've seen a few of the episodes from the '90s and 2000s and they don't feel like Grange Hill any more, as they lose their cockney accents and have too modern hairstyles.
Although Grange Hill was on children's programmes, I don't think it'd be suitable for children if they were to put it back on TV now, as it had sex and drug references and the whole thing from series 1-10 seemed quite adult-orientated, minus swearing. But shows don't have to have swearing in to be for adults, as there are plenty of shows that are for adults but don't swear in.

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