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5 Brain Disorders that Started as Evolutionary Advantages

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Well-Known Member
I dont know how reputable "Cracked.com" is , and there is shockingly surprising lack of information on this (Like a google search brought up only a few excerpts that were all the same article, and the dates were all like 2011). I found that to be shocking, as its such a common sense answer, i don't know why this idea wouldn't be talked about more.

It is only a theory, but do you all have an opinion on the Autism/hunter gatherer theory?

5 Brain Disorders That Started as Evolutionary Advantages | Cracked.com
you may need to go to page 1 & 2 to get to the autism one, but the whole article is an interesting perspective.

My only argument against it, is that ASD numbers are increasing, which may imply that ASD is caused by environment and not just genetics. And if that is the case,then that disproves this. If anyone has any other arguments against this, i'd be interested in hearing them.
What's funny about this is I realized a few months ago if all of our modern conveniences were lost and we were back to roughing it in the wild, I would actually be able to survive and even find pleasure and happiness. Oddly it seems I've collected a ton of hardcore survival skills, and have the creativity, logic, and knowledge to figure out what I don't already know. I won't say it's came naturally, but somehow my specific personality and talents/skills have led me there...
As for Aspergers specifically, it could very well be an evolutionary response to the way modern society has been headed. Seems a lot of Aspies are quite adept with computing in a world where things like personal memory, personal interaction, etc. are becoming quickly irrelevant. I haven't thought about it in depth, but that's my initial ideas on how it could be an evolutionary tactic.
I dont know how reputable "Cracked.com" is , and there is shockingly surprising lack of information on this (Like a google search brought up only a few excerpts that were all the same article, and the dates were all like 2011). I found that to be shocking, as its such a common sense answer, i don't know why this idea wouldn't be talked about more.

It is only a theory, but do you all have an opinion on the Autism/hunter gatherer theory?

5 Brain Disorders That Started as Evolutionary Advantages | Cracked.com
you may need to go to page 1 & 2 to get to the autism one, but the whole article is an interesting perspective.

My only argument against it, is that ASD numbers are increasing, which may imply that ASD is caused by environment and not just genetics. And if that is the case,then that disproves this. If anyone has any other arguments against this, i'd be interested in hearing them.
I just have to question this. This site doesn't seem very science based. Is there any scientific evidence that this is the case. I mean with autism the reason the numbers are increasing is because they have more information about it and that leads to quicker diagnosis in most cases instead of waiting years or until adulthood to be found.
I dont know how i feel about it. Im not sold on it, but On some level, all neurological diversity does come from genetic lines.

Humans all share 99% DNA but so do Dogs and look at how diverse they are, like a chihuahua and Great Dane.
Alot of the times the simplest explanation is usually the best explanation. We all have 1-4 percent Neanderthal DNA in us as we speak, it could be a recessive trait that only shows up every few generation is more prominent in some genetic lines and not others.

There is curious studies about how Africans low autism and higher rates from those of Eurasian decent. That also seems to add up with this theory.

I don't know, i don't feel like doing a research paper on it, its a curious notion though.
I just have to question this. This site doesn't seem very science based. Is there any scientific evidence that this is the case. I mean with autism the reason the numbers are increasing is because they have more information about it and that leads to quicker diagnosis in most cases instead of waiting years or until adulthood to be found.
It's anthropology. A mix of science and hypothesis. I can't vouch for everything in it but I do know the whole ADHD theory is very soundly reasoned, though not even in the realm of being provable.

Also I've spent enough time with bipolar people from when I was diagnosed to see the logic behind that one. Many of them go by the seasons, and a common treatment that has a high success rate is light therapy. Most do not seem to be nearly as extreme as media makes them out to be, and the ones that are usually have way more going on than just bipolar, namely childhood abuse and personality disorder related stuff.

The main one I'm pondering is about autism. It may be impossible to figure out at this point with how new it is.
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It's anthropology. A mix of science and hypothesis. I can't vouch for everything in it but I do know the whole ADHD theory is very soundly reasoned, though not even in the realm of being provable.

Also I've spent enough time with bipolar people from when I was diagnosed to see the logic behind that one. Many of them go by the seasons, and a common treatment that has a high success rate is light therapy. Most do not seem to be nearly as extreme as media makes them out to be, and the ones that are usually have way more going on than just bipolar, namely childhood abuse and personality disorder related stuff.

The main one I'm pondering is about autism. It may be impossible to figure out at this point with how new it is.
Again though. Where is the science evidence. This site isn't peer reviewed. It doesn't have an credible sources really. So that is why I am questioning it. I don't think its very science based. I am not asking anyone to write a paper on it...but I am asking for credible sources that suggest that these maybe the case and I don't see any.
Again though. Where is the science evidence. This site isn't peer reviewed. It doesn't have an credible sources really. So that is why I am questioning it. I don't think its very science based. I am not asking anyone to write a paper on it...but I am asking for credible sources that suggest that these maybe the case and I don't see any.
Immediate reference to the ADHD one: Hunter vs. farmer hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I first read about it in the Edison gene but there have been a lot of books published about it.

I'll research the others later. If I start now I may be up all night hehe.
Again though. Where is the science evidence. This site isn't peer reviewed. It doesn't have an credible sources really. So that is why I am questioning it. I don't think its very science based. I am not asking anyone to write a paper on it...but I am asking for credible sources that suggest that these maybe the case and I don't see any.
I gave a disclaimer from the get go - this is just an idea and cracked.com is not high brow Im sure. , I was chained to my computer all morning.Im not going back, but Im sure i could find a trail that leads back to some more concrete data. I was just wondering how people felt about it.

Homo Sapiens can be traced back some 200-400k years, Im sure that different H. sapiens, developed in different ways based on their circumstances. Its actually really cool to see all the hominids that existed on earth. little ones and big ones alike.
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I'm not trying to upset anyone. I feel I am being ganged up on just because I asked for more than just a site as evidence for what they are claiming. Again I'm sorry if I seemed to piss people off it was not my intention.
How about the increase in number's being because of more awareness of it, no one was looking for it before the fifties. The more awareness the more you will find.
For what I saw of supporting information there was limited information on source of reference, only one did and that was one document.
It's hard to convey tone through typed words. I know there are more scientific studies of this ... I just didnt want to be pedantic about it, as I was just asking what people's opinions were. Im sorry

I didnt mean to come off as hostile, you were counter arguing and I was halfheartedly disagreeing with you.
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