Thirties Child
New Member
Realizing that I'm an Aspie explains so much, just wish it didn't take 82 years to figure it out. Asperger's seems to be rampant in my father's family. My father showed every sign of being an Aspie--uncommunicative, zero tact, total focus, as a child took his toys apart to see how they were made, as an adult took a new refrigerator apart "to see how it was made." His three daughters (including me) are Aspies, female-version. One grandson is almost certainly an Aspie, though he denies it, a second grandson says he sees himself on the spectrum, another is ADHD (probably an Aspie), the fourth grandson has a photographic memory and his mother suspects he's also on the spectrum. A second cousin has diagnosed Asperger's in himself, says several of his grandchildren are Aspies. A great-grandson is, at 11, non-verbal and still not housebroken. Two great-grandsons have been diagnosed with Asperger's; one is absolutely brilliant and his brother, who has not been diagnosed, shows every evidence of being a math savant--at 14, he is teaching himself math and physics and can figure complicated math problems in his head, coming up with a correct answer within minutes. His uncle (whom I suspect is an Aspie) calls the boy a mathematical intuitive, says he should be at Oxford or Cambridge now. (My daughter and her family live in Yorkshire.)
I'll introduce myself in a later message, right now am focused on the amazing number of Aspies in one lineage. I suspect the child who is non-verbal is the other side of the coin of the great-grandson who appears to be a savant. Neither child has what could be called a "normal" brain. I'm assuming this confluence of Autism is common, would nonetheless appreciate any observations.
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I'll introduce myself in a later message, right now am focused on the amazing number of Aspies in one lineage. I suspect the child who is non-verbal is the other side of the coin of the great-grandson who appears to be a savant. Neither child has what could be called a "normal" brain. I'm assuming this confluence of Autism is common, would nonetheless appreciate any observations.
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