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A big thanks

Alex Bogue

Well-Known Member
I'm not great at this, so bear with me. Though I have been in this group for less than a week, I already feel very accepted here. And I owe that to you all on this board. I can be myself without fear.
To borrow a phrase,
we are family, brothers and sisters all.
I'm not great at this, so bear with me. Though I have been in this group for less than a week, I already feel very accepted here. And I owe that to you all on this board. I can be myself without fear.

It is a little overwhelming at first to spend a lifetime of feeling alienated only to wander onto this site and discover you have so much in common with so many. Yeah- be yourself!

Welcome to AC, Alex.
We're glad you are here Alex! We are all in this together. We can all help each other survive this thing called life.

I never knew there are public schools for autism. When I was in school back in the caveman days they didn't know what Aspergers was, so I had to suffer through 12 years of school being taught the way "normal" people learned. I made it out alive though somehow. Good to have you here!

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