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A bit of my own advice... Coming back at me?


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
For those who recall the story of last Sunday and my friend, he's heading off to another city for a doctorate...

Since he had to stay another week, he wanted to head out to the Drumheller Badlands for a day trip today... We went, but I missed a car show or two, and/or other local events happening... Now I'm looking at people's photos from the shows and feeling wistful...

It was still a good day out, wandering around small towns, lunch at a place called Last Chance Saloon, just hanging out and relaxing...

My own advice? To people I meet at car shows who are new to the car show scene, is that there is life beyond just car shows, family life, other things of life, they don't have to be at literally every car show, etc... Now I feel like I need to heed some of that advice in my head... Even with the end of car show season rapidly ending, there are only a few shows left and I have often been guilty of trying to cram too much in because of that... I don't really "have to", and I should know better :cool:
Ooohh, the Drumheller Badlands. There was an area where amateurs were allowed to collect. What amazed me was finding a layer of silicified charcoal. Evidently a massive forest fire burned through the area in the Upper Cretaceous.
Ooohh, the Drumheller Badlands. There was an area where amateurs were allowed to collect. What amazed me was finding a layer of silicified charcoal. Evidently a massive forest fire burned through the area in the Upper Cretaceous.
I'm about one hour away, I go there occasionally
One brief photo of the Alberta Badlands, along the Red Deer River, this was our last stop of the day, I didn't really take many photo, but that wasn't the real point of the trip anyway

East Coulee 01.jpg
Life often presents situations where we need to choose doing one thing over another, and it is not bad, wrong, or unusual to still have feelings about missing out on the thing not chosen.

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