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A "Current Events" Forum

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Well-Known Member
This makes my fourth post today. I'm on a roll!

Two of the four threads I've made were about things happening in the news: the possibly brewing war between the United States and N. Korea, and those God-awful graduation requirements now being enforced in Chicago.

I've been putting these posts in the "Off-Topic" just fine, but I had an idea. Maybe put a "Current Events" forum somewhere for general, non-Spectrum related news? Possibly a sub-forum under Off-Topic or one of the others? I just feel like it would be more fitting, especially for those of who like to keep track of current events, international news, and the like.

Not even bothering with a post colour this time. That is all.
Seems more expedient to simply post them in the politics section given a propensity for polarized viewpoints to arise when it comes to anything indicative of local, state or national policy.
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While I do respect and admire your passion for wanting to bring these types of topics to the forefront,I'm going to have to ask all members to post political topics in the opt-in section of Aspies Central where they are not headlined for those who don't care to discuss them in an autistic support forum.
While I do respect and admire your passion for wanting to bring these types of topics to the forefront,I'm going to have to ask all members to post political topics in the opt-in section of Aspies Central where they are not headlined for those who don't care to discuss them in an autistic support forum.
I've always considered AC to be, not only an online. autism support group, but also a friendly community for people on the Spectrum to discuss what they want in a comfortable environment with others like them.

That's what it's intended to be, right? I feel like that part of AC should be enforced along with everything else.

I'm likely treading on thin ice by opposing the words of an admin; that's your final answer to my suggestion and I respect that. This is little more than my personal opinion on the matter.
Maybe reviewing this post from the forum owner will help you to better understand why AC is not in favor of letting this fly on the main forum: Politics & Religion Forum Statement of Purpose
I didn't mean letting politics/religion discussion fly freely throughout the whole forum. I understand completely why that forum is optional, considering how heated some people can get over the two aforementioned topics.

My only two (so far) current events posts hardly had anything to do with politics (I try to avoid that topic as much as possible) and nothing at all to do with religion, which is why I posted it in "Off-Topic" and not "Politics/Religion". What I meant by a "current events" forum was less about another forum for politics discussion and the like, but for threads regarding current events that aren't related to politics, religion, or the Autism Spectrum.
A topic of a brewing war between two countries is political hands down. It has nothing to do with the autism spectrum.
The forum owner was considerate enough to give those members who wished to discuss them a dedicated opt in area in order to do so.
I suggest you use it if you want to air your thoughts and have further discussions about them.

The graduation requirements of Chicago will most likely get shot down when they try to fully implement it.

Once again,political in nature and not directly related to anything about the autism spectrum.

There will be no further discussion of this matter.
A topic of a brewing war between two countries is political hands down. It has nothing to do with the autism spectrum.
The forum owner was considerate enough to give those members who wished to discuss them a dedicated opt in area in order to do so.
I suggest you use it if you want to air your thoughts and have further discussions about them.

The graduation requirements of Chicago will most likely get shot down when they try to fully implement it.

Once again,political in nature and not directly related to anything about the autism spectrum.

There will be no further discussion of this matter.
I know you didn't want me to reply, but I feel like I need some closure on this.

I'll try to make this short, I didn't mean to stir up an argument. It was just a misunderstanding on my part, and I apologize for that.
Ok,you got your closure,but we have rules that are here for a reason.

This thread is officially closed.
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