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A description of an adult education program I belong to


Well-Known Member
The Transition Options Program (TOPS) is a one of a kind program providing education and support to adults with Asperger’s, High Functioning Autism and other related disorders. Students receive education and support in successfully navigating life’s on-going transitions including, higher education, independent living, employment and the establishment of fulfilling adult social relationships.

Each day is has a different topic

TUESDAY: social skills
WEDNESDAY: career and college planning
THURSDAY: independent living
FRIDAY: community awareness

I've been in this program for over two years now and it's really helped me with my problems regarding my Asperger's. I've been told I've improved ever since I signed up.
Hi Keith, this sounds very interesting and is obviously very helpful to you. It would be great to have many more such programs all over the world - the money would be so well spent as Aspies would hopefully find it easier to successfully navigate jobs in particular and life in general :)
yes there shoud be more programs like that-especialy in america which seems to be very low on adult special ed.
in the UK they have dropped the funding of many adult special education courses alongside all the day centre closings which is ridiculous because they are trying to get people to go to college but closing down the only courses they can access.

am lucky in that am student [though a absent one currently due to battling severe sciatica] at a special college called the david lewis centre,its a massive secure campus for severe/LF autistics with intelectual disability and epilepsy;the courses and specialist environment are specialy adapted to these disabilities & the high complex needs that results from them,they have medical and theraputic specialists onsite plus living facilities on the campus or for those who want their acute epilepsy given highly specialist onsite assessment and treatment,when had first went there for a visit was amazed and felt at home because most people were padded helmet wearers like self, in the community have only ever come across two other padded helmet wearers-thats in the thirty years have lived.

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