She's from New York, normally this kind of thing would set Alarm bells in my head but at my age I'd settle for almost anything female that would take a second glance at me.
On the other hand, Internet dating is a no no to me, they're doing a story on Coronation St at the moment, Bethany Platt is dating a lad who's loads too old for her who she met in a chat room, and at 3 weeks shy of 41 I suspect I'm loads too old for this Anna Smith woman from New York.
I've tried to wriggle out of saying anything to her about a relationship of any sort, but she wants me to discuss with my Parents about her coming over.
I know for a fact Dad in particular would shoot the idea down immediately, what should I say to this girl/woman?
On the other hand, Internet dating is a no no to me, they're doing a story on Coronation St at the moment, Bethany Platt is dating a lad who's loads too old for her who she met in a chat room, and at 3 weeks shy of 41 I suspect I'm loads too old for this Anna Smith woman from New York.
I've tried to wriggle out of saying anything to her about a relationship of any sort, but she wants me to discuss with my Parents about her coming over.
I know for a fact Dad in particular would shoot the idea down immediately, what should I say to this girl/woman?