All your bases are belong to us
I wanted to do a fun timeline of the different music genres and how they changed and evolved into the evil and colorless mainstream pop, dominated by talent less hacks
You can contribute to the timeline if you want as I'm going to cover mainly the 70's - today
The main music time line:
1970's - 1977 Classic rock period *You can count the 60's too for some people*
1977* Disco is born and pop music as we know is created by this
1977 - 1980's The music industry is at it's most creative and open, meaning that anyone with and instrument or computer can write and produce a song. Also is the period when MTV is created and the music video starts reining supreme. This was a truly artistic period
1979 - 1987 (In my opinion is the 80's pop period, but *83 - 94* is when the 80's truly ended and when we started the 90's everyone seems to remember.)
Also, the early 80's was when disco dies and becomes mainly pop music and electronic music appears on the scene.
1986 - Rock becomes split and new genre's like Grunge rock appears on the scene (or 87)
87 -90's - Gangsta rap appears on the scene, also some surviving artists of the 80's would remain on the scene for many years to come, but eventually over-stay their welcome. The 80's was filled with a lot of one-wonders due to experimentation in music and bad luck
EARLY 90's - Some early techno music appears but are mainly about dancing and sex. By 1994, Techno would be about feeling good about who you are and relationships. Sex dominates the rap and hip-hop scene in the early 90's and the start of Vanilla Ice, who would be famous for 15 minutes and then forgotten.
93 - 95 R.I.P 80's !!!! The early 90's till 93 or 95 is trying to define itself until we get the music from 94 - 2006
Mainstream music becomes self-aware during this period and makes a decision in two seconds to get rid of the threat of the late 80's and early 90's sound!
94 R.I.P Kurt Cobain and Nirvana (87 - 94)
95 - (?) This is probably the time period people are talking about when they say they love music from the 90's and a majority of the culture.
96 - Pop and Alternative music is here to stay! Will Smith comes on the scene. Techno also becomes a thing.
Also this is the start of the boy band genre.
99 - Eiffel 65 releases their #1 hit that you will have stuck in your head for the next 150 years even in your grave! Euro-pop arrives on the scene as well.
Early 2000's- *This is when I really started listening to music*
POP MUSIC! - Music doesn't change that much until the mid 2000's when Disney starts dominating the scene and produces pop stars.
You can contribute to the timeline if you want as I'm going to cover mainly the 70's - today
The main music time line:
1970's - 1977 Classic rock period *You can count the 60's too for some people*
1977* Disco is born and pop music as we know is created by this
1977 - 1980's The music industry is at it's most creative and open, meaning that anyone with and instrument or computer can write and produce a song. Also is the period when MTV is created and the music video starts reining supreme. This was a truly artistic period
1979 - 1987 (In my opinion is the 80's pop period, but *83 - 94* is when the 80's truly ended and when we started the 90's everyone seems to remember.)
Also, the early 80's was when disco dies and becomes mainly pop music and electronic music appears on the scene.
1986 - Rock becomes split and new genre's like Grunge rock appears on the scene (or 87)
87 -90's - Gangsta rap appears on the scene, also some surviving artists of the 80's would remain on the scene for many years to come, but eventually over-stay their welcome. The 80's was filled with a lot of one-wonders due to experimentation in music and bad luck
EARLY 90's - Some early techno music appears but are mainly about dancing and sex. By 1994, Techno would be about feeling good about who you are and relationships. Sex dominates the rap and hip-hop scene in the early 90's and the start of Vanilla Ice, who would be famous for 15 minutes and then forgotten.
93 - 95 R.I.P 80's !!!! The early 90's till 93 or 95 is trying to define itself until we get the music from 94 - 2006
Mainstream music becomes self-aware during this period and makes a decision in two seconds to get rid of the threat of the late 80's and early 90's sound!
94 R.I.P Kurt Cobain and Nirvana (87 - 94)
95 - (?) This is probably the time period people are talking about when they say they love music from the 90's and a majority of the culture.
96 - Pop and Alternative music is here to stay! Will Smith comes on the scene. Techno also becomes a thing.
Also this is the start of the boy band genre.
99 - Eiffel 65 releases their #1 hit that you will have stuck in your head for the next 150 years even in your grave! Euro-pop arrives on the scene as well.
Early 2000's- *This is when I really started listening to music*
POP MUSIC! - Music doesn't change that much until the mid 2000's when Disney starts dominating the scene and produces pop stars.