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I had in this video did explain "Moral Panic" and what it all means. I have been through the times when I did hear both of my parents having a moral panic when I started to engage with the Hip-Hop scene. I never listened to "Gangster Rap" like 50 Cent or NWA as my parents thought that I did, considering that they never heard me play any of that stuff since it's the source of negativity in Hip-Hop.

Apart from that, when you go through any scenes to develop and establish your identity, most would had experienced "Moral Panic", like the youths in the late 1960's who had became Hippies is one prime example.
No hippies in my family, The ones that were then hippies turn eighty in the next year oldest boomers. Use younger ones learned off our elders, the older boomers.
I have been through the times when I did hear both of my parents having a moral panic when I started to engage with the Hip-Hop scene. I never listened to "Gangster Rap" like 50 Cent or NWA as my parents thought that I did, considering that they never heard me play any of that stuff since it's the source of negativity in Hip-Hop.

In earlier times of my childhood it would have "raised eyebrows" to be listening to certain genres of music not considered "acceptable". Not only with my parents weaned on "Swing" music, but with some of my peers as well.

The early 60s. But in private I listened to some of them anyways, enjoying their music. Back there was no "rap", but plenty of rock and soul. Neither of which my parents appreciated. Though they slowly got used to hearing some of it via my brother joining the Columbia record club. Nowhere near as a "big deal" compared to a few years at the end of the decade when my hair became long and I no longer heeded my father reminding me to get a haircut.

However no one panicked at that point either. But then in hindsight I learned how even Swing music was considered a form of counter-culture in its time. Making it all relative.
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In the '50s, there was a "Moral Panic" over Rock & Roll. The panic was especially prevalent where a person's ethnicity was of considerable importance when judging their character, considering the "ethnic" origins of the genre.

In the 80s, the "Moral Panic" was over Dungeons & Dragons, and seemed to consider only the images on the covers of the Players Handbook and the Dungeon Masters Guide.
In the '50s, there was a "Moral Panic" over Rock & Roll.

In the 30's/40s there was "moral panic" over Swing (Jazz). Go figure.

"Go Gene, go! Go Gene go! Hey Gene, (Krupa) ....got a reefer?"

Yeah, so many parents so worried their kids might go to pot. :rolleyes:
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When I was a kid one of my favorite TV cartoons was the Smurfs. Being an innocent young kid, I did not see a cartoon that was evil and would turn your kids into communist, Satan worshiping, homosexual drugs addicts. All I saw was a cartoon about the many adventures of little blue people who worked together to survive in a very big and sometimes dangerous world.
And that's exactly what is was. My parents had no problems with me watching the show, although my older brother once said the Smurfs were all drug addicts because they lived in mushroom houses. But I think he just said that to get on my nerves.
When I was a kid one of my favorite TV cartoons was the Smurfs. Being an innocent young kid, I did not see a cartoon that was evil and would turn your kids into communist, Satan worshiping, homosexual drugs addicts. All I saw was a cartoon about the many adventures of little blue people who worked together to survive in a very big and sometimes dangerous world.
And that's exactly what is was. My parents had no problems with me watching the show, although my older brother once said the Smurfs were all drug addicts because they lived in mushroom houses. But I think he just said that to get on my nerves.
Just his attempt at humour.
Just his attempt at humour.
I know. One time I was watching Sesame Street and he wouldn't shut up about the characters all being on drugs. Of course, I couldn't say anything about the 60s-70s rock bands he was always listening to. The Beatles. Pink Floyd. Jimi Hendrix...

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