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A movie clip that illustrates autism sensitivities I have


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
This movie clip is from a movie called Love & Mercy, a movie about the life of Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys. The scene struck me because of how much I identified with the character in the scene in regard to my sensory processing disorder. I don't believe Brian Wilson has been diagnosed with autism, but the scene still represents my experience quite accurately.

This movie clip is from a movie called Love & Mercy, a movie about the life of Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys. The scene struck me because of how much I identified with the character in the scene in regard to my sensory processing disorder. I don't believe Brian Wilson has been diagnosed with autism, but the scene still represents my experience quite accurately.

Have you seen perhaps the following videos from the National Autistic Society in the Uk ~ from the 'Too Much Information' campaign about autistic sensory overloads?:

I really relate with all three myself ~ some days all in combination, and other days more one or the other ~ depending on how exhausted I am or stressed I get.
i love that scene with Brian Wilson ,perfect. theres another scene that rings true with me, it on Taxi Driver where Robert Deniro in a restaurant watches the alka seltzer bubbles in his water get closer and closer to him. that whole movie is filled with examples of autistic behavior i wonder if Robert Scorsese is an Aspie. i dont know if im allowed to place videos of it here or i would for you.

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