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A need to be entertained

On the Inside

Well-Known Member
I am finding that I want to be entertained, ie. watch TV, movies, listen to music.

I have never owned a TV as an adult, rarely have I gone to movies, and I stopped listening to/ being interested in music in my twenties. I have always had projects I was involved in, or other interests, and thought that if I had time for entertainment, I'd rather get some sleep.

But lately, I have this desire to be entertained. I want to sit and watch TV, or a movie. I only have a laptop so I am somewhat limited in whats available, and the screen size is a bummer. We had subscribed to Netflix online for a while, but discontinued it but it whet my appetite. These limitations seem like a good thing, or else I might waste a lot of time with this. I still have lots of projects and interests that I want/have to do.

Any thoughts? Is this is a curious change in personality, or just a phase?
I am finding that I want to be entertained, ie. watch TV, movies, listen to music.

I have never owned a TV as an adult, rarely have I gone to movies, and I stopped listening to/ being interested in music in my twenties. I have always had projects I was involved in, or other interests, and thought that if I had time for entertainment, I'd rather get some sleep.

But lately, I have this desire to be entertained. I want to sit and watch TV, or a movie. I only have a laptop so I am somewhat limited in whats available, and the screen size is a bummer. We had subscribed to Netflix online for a while, but discontinued it but it whet my appetite. These limitations seem like a good thing, or else I might waste a lot of time with this. I still have lots of projects and interests that I want/have to do.

Any thoughts? Is this is a curious change in personality, or just a phase?
Sounds to me it's just a phase. Have you been feeling down and unmotivated? Your interests/things you're good at will always be deep within your personality.
I have been feeling down and unmotivated. I have recently started taking an anti-anxiety med, which has me feeling nice and mellow, but lacking in motivation.

Understand, though, that I have been exhausted from years of working at a pretty high level of stress and anxiety, motivated primarily by putting things off to the last minute, only really getting into action when things are reaching crisis state.
I have been feeling down and unmotivated. I have recently started taking an anti-anxiety med, which has me feeling nice and mellow, but lacking in motivation.

Understand, though, that I have been exhausted from years of working at a pretty high level of stress and anxiety, motivated primarily by putting things off to the last minute, only really getting into action when things are reaching crisis state.
{{hugs}} at least your medication has prevented anxiety. I'm getting better at keeping on top of things as I'm also a last-minuter and then get in a panic and go ninja. Lol
Go Ninja, I like that.

My father was a firefighter, so "putting out fires" and "rescuing the victim" has always been my analogy, model and modus operandi. He was a LOAD of anxiety and stress.

Yes, so far the medication has helped a great deal. I was very reluctant, but my Dr. and therapist both strongly recommended that I give it a try. The first med I tried made me more nervous, so I stopped it, this one is turning out to be my little helper.

But what if it is bringing out my true nature, that of a lazy bum who just wants to watch TV?
Go Ninja, I like that.

My father was a firefighter, so "putting out fires" and "rescuing the victim" has always been my analogy, model and modus operandi. He was a LOAD of anxiety and stress.

Yes, so far the medication has helped a great deal. I was very reluctant, but my Dr. and therapist both strongly recommended that I give it a try. The first med I tried made me more nervous, so I stopped it, this one is turning out to be my little helper.

But what if it is bringing out my true nature, that of a lazy bum who just wants to watch TV?
If your medication is temporary, then enjoy every minute of slowing down before finding a new strategy into a more constructive and healthier lifestyle. No need to feel guilty. Sounds like you deserve a rest.
I have been feeling down and unmotivated. I have recently started taking an anti-anxiety med, which has me feeling nice and mellow, but lacking in motivation.

Understand, though, that I have been exhausted from years of working at a pretty high level of stress and anxiety, motivated primarily by putting things off to the last minute, only really getting into action when things are reaching crisis state.

I've started experiencing something similar, and I do believe it's primarily due to the medications. I, too, have been exhausted from a high-stress work style though. When I go off the meds, I notice an improvement in the motivation, but then the anxiety gets overwhelming.

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